Posted under General
The bulk update request #18624 (forum #248913) has been approved by @tokuji.
The bulk update request #18609 (forum #248863) has been approved by @TrueKringe.
The bulk update request #18618 (forum #248895) has been approved by @TrueKringe.
The bulk update request #18617 (forum #248888) has been approved by @TrueKringe.
The bulk update request #18634 (forum #248931) has been approved by @punished_K.
BUR #18637 has been approved by @Below273.
create alias chiyesuckatarts -> retro_(halfbaked2hu)
Same artist.
The bulk update request #18637 (forum #248938) has been approved by @Below273.
BUR #18638 has been approved by @MarqFJA87.
create alias yamiotikong -> isha_gorira
The artist uses "医者ゴリラ" (Isha Gorira, lit. "Doctor Gorilla") as their display name.
The bulk update request #18638 (forum #248940) has been approved by @MarqFJA87.
BUR #18645 has been approved by @The_abomination.
create alias ssukuleiber -> sparkle71059204
Same artist.
The bulk update request #18645 (forum #248953) has been approved by @Player_Diff.
BUR #18646 has been approved by @Laudividni.
rename remi -> togari_(jyunokko)
Short, prone to mistagging -> current Pixiv name + stacc qualifier since they have the link on their Twitter bio.
BUR #18647 has been approved by @Laudividni.
rename yukino -> mamizu_(kasumisoutosuzuran)
As its wiki says, it's an ambiguous tag, I'm going to deprecate it -> Current name + qualifier.
The bulk update request #18647 (forum #248957) has been approved by @Sessyoin_Kiara.
The bulk update request #18646 (forum #248956) has been approved by @Sessyoin_Kiara.
BUR #18648 has been approved by @Jisadel.
create alias mikann_hnkn -> mokkun-guren0908
create alias mokkun-guren0908 -> kikudzuki_mikan
Same artist; mokkun-guren0908 is the older artist tag, but its stacc name needs to be changed to the Pixiv profile name.
The bulk update request #18648 (forum #248963) has been approved by @Jerr.