
AI-generated art check thread

Posted under General

Awaji. Disapproved posts due to AI, they have that look but Idk and they aren't tagged.

EDIT: Yeah, I saw that comment, they have similar artstyle and themes and both are Chinese. I bookmarked their urls to see what happens in the future.


Individual said:

Awaji. Disapproved posts due to AI, they have that look but Idk and they aren't tagged.

This doesn't look AI to me. They're very high resolution, for one. In other posts you can also see some non-AI mistakes, like post #6366696 (hand on the left, look at the hair going through the hand but not in an AI blending way, more like a photoshop layering mistake).

Also the linework has clear brush texture.

Individual said:

Awaji. Disapproved posts due to AI, they have that look but Idk and they aren't tagged.

Someone on pixiv mentioned the possibility that it's another account of the artist yuuraku_yuraku. I took a close look at both artist's recent works and both do seem to be extremely similar, without an obvious trace of it being AI. So it's either a very good mimic with AI or an alt account, as mentioned.

nonamethanks said:

You can see the exact same artstyle and coloring in posts from 2+ years ago from the supposedly-same person: post #4460526, post #4098475.

i definitely recognize the artstyle but also there are some things that i have a really hard time seeing as not ai like the background in post #6459270 for example, i wont comment on the more subtle differences of artstyle since it's a 2 years time gap so they can easily be explained by the artist just evolving.

baruha said:

post #6465202

Some of that typical AI shine and texture, but I'm not sure about any other flaws. Assisted?

This artist has been drawing this style since long before AI art became a thing (e.g. post #5449534), and I don't see any real issues outside of the shine and texture you mentioned, so it seems to be a (maybe unfortunate) coincidence.

Aprosodia said: Almost positive this is AI.

It does look like AI to me too.
The nipples and fingers look weird.

Their pixiv / fanbox make it even more obvious it's AI:

The "artist" also hides any replies mentioning AI on twitter:

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