post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

NinjaPope said:

BUR #17441 has been rejected.

create alias shira_jun01 -> riri_yo

Same artist. Shira Jun is a new Twitter account, Riri Yo has Pixiv, old Twitter, and other accounts.

The final tag should be named Shira Jun, it looks like they abandoned the old name.

VR-Man said:

BUR #17436 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename kirika -> kirika_(kirika1677)
rename tororo -> tororo_(toriaezu)
rename shinonome -> renshuchou
rename misono -> misono24

post #6375412 special.

I prefer Kirika's FANBOX handle as a qualifier, the suspended Twitter account with the same username was probably theirs.
Shinonome and renshuchou (current) are the same artist.