
nuke sketch_eyebrows

Posted under Tags

BUR #17392 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

nuke sketch_eyebrows

An ambiguous tag with no wiki that's been around for 17 years and has 400+ posts. It seems to be used to mean eyebrows drawn as simple lines, but it's so general and so undertagged that it wouldn't be helpful to search for it or populate it. I doubt anyone would miss this, which is why I propose we nuke it.

Edit: I was wrong about the date. The tag's only been around since 2018 and was mostly populated by 2 users.


If that was meant to be its purpose then I'd not be opposed to such a tag existing but it would need a better name, and the current tag is so underused that there's nothing really lost from nuking the current tag, which is full of other stuff already. So +1 to nuking.

When seeing the name I thought it meant eyebrows drawn line a pencil moustache but it's not

Looks like it's just regular line-only eyebrows to me

Maybe a topic for a different thread, but there should be a "medium eyebrows" sort of tag for things like post #6350280 and post #5790603 where the eyebrows aren't an unnatural mugi/hikimayu thickness (at least index finger width, per the wiki) but are still thicker than just a line (typically most eyebrows with any fill colour).

There are a lot of images and official character designs where most characters in a post/series have thin line eyebrows, but one character has noticeable thicker eyebrows than the rest, but not big enough to fit our definition of thick eyebrows. E.g., in post #4742986, everyone has "sketch eyebrows" except for the girl with the crown that has thicker, medium eyebrows. The left blonde has one thin eyebrow just slightly thick enough to have colour fill, but still pretty linear.
