
holding_ice_cream/popsicle tags

Posted under Tags

The holding_ice_cream tag is relatively big, with over half a thousand posts. However, most of the ice_cream posts (~17k) do not have this tag. Should it be deprecated/aliased to holding_food? It seems pretty useful, and I would just request an implication, if not for the fact that so few posts have it.
Same with holding_popsicle (except it has ~150 posts, and most of them were tagged by me on impulse, without prior thinking. Before that there was only ~40)

santinetka said:

But then there are tags such as holding_candy, holding_pizza, etc. (they're directly referenced in holding_food wikipage). Some of them are even less populated than holding_ice_cream. It kinda feels wrong just aliasing (most of) these tags, even though posts are rarely tagged with them properly (look up pizza -holding_pizza, every other post is not tagged)

Well, it sounds fine to have more specific holding tags. If so, how about requesting implication for any existing holding_(food_name) with holding_food and the specified food_name?

nonamethanks said:
What the f do guns have to do with food?

Nothing. It was used an example why we commonly use "holding_object"-type of tag while many taggers do not usually use the "holding_specific_object" at all.