
Digimon names to the original Japanese. (Digimon Adventure)

Posted under Tags

BUR #16972 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias salamon -> plotmon
create alias magnadramon -> holydramon
create alias bukamon -> pukamon
create alias megakabuterimon -> atlurkabuterimon
create alias magnaangemon -> holyangemon
create alias demidevimon -> picodevimon
create alias frigimon -> yukidarumon
create alias datamon -> nanomon
create alias piedmon -> piemon
create alias puppetmon -> pinochimon
create alias machinedramon -> mugendramon
create alias shogungekomon -> tonosamagekomon
create alias phoenixmon -> hououmon
create alias pabumon -> bubbmon
create alias herculeskabuterimon -> heraklekabuterimon
create alias pichimon -> pitchmon
create alias wizardmon -> wizarmon

I started with the OG Adventure Digimon dubbed names, I will make BUR for the other Digimon seasons later.

I know some of these tags don't exist, but I thought this site could make these aliasing in advance in the case that in the future someone would upload an image and tag it with the localized names, would not be strange to it to happen since Bandai still uses different names for the west to this day.

One more thing, Bandai Namco IS NOT CONSISTENT with the localized name changes, so using the original Japanese is the way to go.

Chaos11 said:

I started with the OG Adventure Digimon dubbed names, I will make BUR for the other Digimon seasons later.

I know some of these tags don't exist, but I thought this site could make these aliasing in advance in the case that in the future someone would upload an image and tag it with the localized names, would not be strange to it to happen since Bandai still uses different names for the west to this day.

One more thing, Bandai Namco IS NOT CONSISTENT with the localized name changes, so using the original Japanese is the way to go.

Puppetmon should be aliased to pinochimon, according to Wikimon.