BUR #16980 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create alias banchouleomon -> bancholeomon
create alias banchouleomon_burst_mode -> bancholeomon_burst_mode
create alias banchoumamemon -> banchomamemon
create alias banchougolemon -> banchogolemon
create alias banchoustingmon -> banchostingmon
create alias banchoulilimon -> bancholilimon
create alias banchoulillymon -> bancholilimon
create alias bebydomon -> babydmon
create alias persiamon -> bastemon
create alias beastmon -> bastemon
create alias crowmon -> yatagaramon
create alias volcanomon -> volcamon
create alias varodurumon -> valdurmon
create alias kentaurosmon -> sleipmon
create alias divermon -> hangyomon
create alias scubamon -> hangyomon
create alias samudramon -> gaioumon
create alias pumpkinmon -> pumpmon
create alias metalkoromon -> choromon
create alias mermaidmon -> mermaimon
create alias medievalgallantmon -> medievaldukemon
create alias matadormon -> matadrmon
create alias marinedevimon -> marindevimon
create alias laylamon -> lilithmon
create alias fanglongmon -> huanglongmon
create alias grizzlymon -> gryzmon
create alias goblinmon -> goburimon
create alias goblimon -> goburimon
create alias gargoylemon -> gargomon
create alias dracmon -> dracumon
create alias grandracmon -> granddracumon
create alias chimeramon -> chimairamon
create alias kimeramon -> chimairamon
create alias dexdorugoramon -> death-x-dorugoramon
create alias dexmon -> death-x-mon
create alias dorugreymon -> doruguremon
create alias ogremon -> orgemon
create alias omnishoutmon -> omegashoutmon
create alias piddomon -> pidmon
create alias deputymon -> revolmon
create alias cherrymon -> jyureimon
create alias gotsumon -> gottsumon
Bandai Namco IS NOT CONSISTENT with the localized name changes, so using the original Japanese is the way to go.
(Seriously people there’s Digimon with 3 different localized names.)
I know some of these tags don't exist, but I thought this site could make these aliasing in advance in the case that in the future someone would upload an image and tag it with the localized names, would not be strange to it to happen since Bandai still uses different names for the west to this day.
Surely there’s more names changes, but I think I covered the most important here, if I forget some important name change or committed an error, please let me know.