BUR #16975 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create alias lobomon -> wolfmon
create alias kazemon -> fairimon
create alias beetlemon -> blitzmon
create alias burninggreymon -> vritramon
create alias kendogarurumon -> garummon
create alias korikakumon -> blizzarmon
create alias zephyrmon -> shutumon
create alias metalkabuterimon -> bolgmon
create alias grumblemon -> grottemon
create alias jagerloweemon -> kaiserleomon
create alias rhihimon -> raihimon
create alias emperorgreymon -> kaisergreymon
create alias crusadermon -> lordknightmon
create alias lucemon_chaos_mode -> lucemon_falldown_mode
create alias lucemon_shadowlord_mode -> lucemon_satan_mode
create alias shadowseraphimon -> blackseraphimon
create alias sakkakumon -> sephirothmon
create alias ophanimon -> ofanimon
create alias neemon -> neamon
create alias ancientmermaidmon -> ancientmermaimon
create alias calmaramon -> calamaramon
Bandai Namco IS NOT CONSISTENT with the localized name changes, so using the original Japanese is the way to go.
I know some of these tags don't exist, but I thought this site could make these aliasing in advance in the case that in the future someone would upload an image and tag it with the localized names, would not be strange to it to happen since Bandai still uses different names for the west to this day.