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Artist tagging help

Posted under General

In artist wiki pages there's both a handle-based link and one using a numerical ID. The handle can be changed but the ID is tied to the account, making it more permanent.
Where does one actually get those links, in order to update the wiki pages with new accounts? Up until now I've just used a short script to call Twitter's API to get the ID, but obviously that's not going to be an option in a few days with read access getting paywalled.

anon7631 said:

In artist wiki pages there's both a handle-based link and one using a numerical ID. The handle can be changed but the ID is tied to the account, making it more permanent.
Where does one actually get those links, in order to update the wiki pages with new accounts? Up until now I've just used a short script to call Twitter's API to get the ID, but obviously that's not going to be an option in a few days with read access getting paywalled.

You can use this bookmarklet while on a Twitter profile page:

javascript:(() => {prompt('Twitter ID', `${JSON.parse(document.querySelector('script[data-testid="UserProfileSchema-test"]')?.textContent)?.author?.identifier}`)})()

(Select the entire text in the block above and drag it into the bookmark bar, then choose a name like Get Twitter ID)

Individual said:

I'd name them shikina_(mochigushi_) or use their alt Twitter account's name/handle as a qualifier.

Oh heck, I didn't even read their pinned tweet because I assumed it'd be in their bio. Thanks.