post #9000000 GET!

Deprecate/clarify deformed

Posted under Tags

AkaringoP said:

So all existing deformed posts will be modified to chibi later?

I see several things throughout the tag that aren't anything close to chibi, so I certainly hope not. Especially in recent months, it seems to be equivalent to "this character isn't drawn perfectly on model/is drawn in a more simplistic artstyle than the official design" which seems like a questionable usage for a tag.

blindVigil said:

It seems to be equivalent to "this character isn't drawn perfectly on model/is drawn in a more simplistic artstyle than the official design" which seems like a questionable usage for a tag.

I came to the same conclusion. a character with less defined fingers is not certainly not "deformed"; by this logic every chibi post without perfect fingers is also deformed. something Admiral suggested in the Discord was simplified proportions, which despite its potential ubiquity is a much better start.

edit: however, it may run into the same issue sketch does with users adding whatever the hell they feel is “simplified” into the tag.


We discussed this a bit further in the server and came up with semi-chibi as a potential alternative for cases with simplified proportions but not quite to the chibi level. Something like post #5818092 or post #6284638

I think we should definitely have a tag for this kind of style. I don't agree with just deprecating the whole concept all together and leaving it untaggable. We should think of a better name and make a more specific wiki for it.


Frankly, I see any attempt at tagging degrees of chibiness to be doomed to complete failure. How do you define when something is semi-chibi vs chibi? Most importantly, how do you make sure everyone understands the difference?