The wiki does not say to not use king - it says that it is to be used for male monarchs and not for the chess piece.
The tag is similar to queen in that respect (and fits in with other similar tags like prince and princess) and nuking it would not leave any replacement tag for the concept that the king tag is for.
If you want to make it into a disambiguation that shouldn't be used then the best approach would be to bulk update the tag to a new one and then deprecate it, and then do the same with queen.
The tag is similar to queen in that respect (and fits in with other similar tags like prince and princess) and nuking it would not leave any replacement tag for the concept that the king tag is for.
As with most other class/title/profession tags, I think we overstate the importance of things like this.
When opening tag gets a wall of half-naked bara, bestiality porn, and Sora from Kingdom Hearts, the concept is probably already better searched for with other tags constituent tags.
You either nuke all 4 or none at all. Even then I'm against it. I would like to think that searching for these tags is a lot more intuitive than other tags that can overlap with many other themes like throne or crown.
Not to mention the 2 tag search limit for members, which outnumber us gold+ users greatly. Pools are not much better either, not many learn how they work until years into using the site.
I think the best option is to just make a better wiki and mention how these tags should be used more clearly. I would suggest to go with something similar to the *_boy and *_girl tags in which they're only applicable when there's at least 2 features relating to the class/profession tag. That's how I usually go about using these tags personally and from what I've heard over on the discord people seem to mostly agree on this.
As mentioned in topic #22426 and topic #23462, it might be time that we create an umbrella tag (or pool) for generic royalty/noble clothing and one for contemporary formalwear. You can’t always tell if it’s a king, queen, prince or princess, not to mention other types of noble class which don’t have their own tags or non-royalty characters wearing royalwear just for fun. Being quite easily recognizable clothing styles as they are, it’s surprising that we can’t have them grouped under a single search. Like the recently created streetwear.
And no, I don’t think pool #1753 and pool #2020 would suffice, they also have criteria on the overall atmosphere, which not every post containing royalwear or formalwear qualifies.
I also support some kind of "royal regalia" tag. No implications needed for it.
Pretty much all class/profession tags are actually costume tags. If I can search king and get thisas the first line of results, the tag is not as intuitive as we might assume.