
nuke 1girl

Posted under Tags

BUR #16075 has been rejected.

deprecate 1girl
nuke 1girl

  • this tag is equivalent with the frontpage. At the moment, 2/3 of all of the posts on danbooru have this tag. Even characters which aren't really girls, e.g. androids, futa, get this tag.
  • we have so many more girl tags for anyone who wants to search for girls. dark-skinned female, muscular female, mature female etc. The umbrella tag is pointless.
  • it makes much more sense to have a no girls tag than this mess

This tag serves no purpose other than to inflate tag count.

This request is unreasonable. 1girl isn't just for posts with a single female, it can also be a single female with any number of males or other characters. Normal users wouldn't be able to search for those with just the two tag limit they have.

And it's an April Fool's joke, it's a stupid one.