
Wings implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #15988 has failed.

create implication head_wings -> wings

head_wings are wings.

...fine, I'll go into slightly more detail. Without this implication, post #6178074, post #6150802 and post #6138684 aren't tagged wings despite wings being a very prominent motif. Speaking of prominence, I've heard the argument that most head wings aren't "enough" to tag wings. I strongly disagree, but to play ball I would say mini_wings has the same issue, with posts like post #5147736 being tagged with it as a result of the already-existing implication. Again, that shouldn't be an issue; there's nothing wrong with that post being tagged wings.

However, even if you still think that's not enough, consider how keeping wings out of head_wings posts is already folly when users are justifiably adding demon_wings to post #6160188, or feathered_wings to post #6117188, or asymmetrical_wings to post #5634404 and so on. To keep these two tags separate we'd need to remove every implication to wings so that tagging specific kinds of head_wings wouldn't poison it. For extremely obvious reasons, that is a terrible "solution" that will never see the light of day.

Let's call a spade a spade and tag wings as wings.

AngryZapdos said:

BUR #15989 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication ankle_wings -> wings
create implication leg_wings -> wings

Some less contentious wing implications I happened upon; if I've missed any, let me know and I'll add them.

Drawn wings is a bit questionable for the implication considering that of all the drawn_* tags, drawn halo is the only one that implicates the main tag. If drawn wings are "wings" enough to implicate, then another BUR should be opened for drawn horns, drawn tail, and drawn whiskers (not sure if drawn ears -> animal ears would be good to do too since TECHNICALLY they can be drawn human ears)

HeeroWingZero said:

Drawn wings is a bit questionable for the implication considering that of all the drawn_* tags, drawn halo is the only one that implicates the main tag. If drawn wings are "wings" enough to implicate, then another BUR should be opened for drawn horns, drawn tail, and drawn whiskers (not sure if drawn ears -> animal ears would be good to do too since TECHNICALLY they can be drawn human ears)

I've removed that implication from the BUR. You're right, it's a separate discussion for another topic regarding the drawn_x tags in general.