
alias flying_saucer -> ufo

Posted under Tags

BUR #14678 has been rejected.

create alias flying_saucer -> ufo

The majority of flying saucer pictures are also already tagged ufo (167/ 245), and conversely, skimming through ufo -flying_saucer, it's a pretty small minority of UFOs that aren't a stereotypical flying saucer even when lacking the tag (the first page doesn't have any), so I think we can probably just do away with the distinction.

DownWithTheThickness said:

I'm inclined to agree with TrueKringe in the other thread; since there are a (very, very small) handful of UFOs that aren't shaped like flying saucers, it would be best to keep the UFO tag so it isn't unintuitive on things like post #4676323

Tagging something as an unidentified object doesn't make much more sense though, it basically means you tag that you don't know what it is which was mentioned back in topic #15759.

Regardless, we definitely don't need both of these tags.

Unbreakable said:

Tagging something as an unidentified object doesn't make much more sense though, it basically means you tag that you don't know what it is which was mentioned back in topic #15759.

While that's true, colloquially "UFO" has kinda just come to mean "weird-looking alien spacecraft", to the point where people seem to default to the term even if it isn't actually "unidentified". If nothing else, people are already in the habit of using UFO (2311 ufo tags vs 245 flying_saucer).

But yeah, I agree, it's less important which one we stick with and more that we just get rid of the redundancy.

UFO literally means we don't know what it is or how it looks. In culture, I'd say it refers to a non-human spacecraft, usually in Earth's atmosphere. However, the borderline between human and non-human spacecraft shapes is subjective.

I think alien spacecraft would be a better name than ufo. And would go with aliasing ufo to flying saucer (what, in fact, people usually tag as ufo) and implicating it to alien spacecraft (if people tag not a flying saucer and are smart enough to add spacecraft, they'll see this tag).