post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #15516 has been approved by @mortalkombachan.

rename krabby_(monttiero) -> krabby_(artist)

TrueKringe said:

BUR #15459 has been approved by @Coprolite.

rename krabby_(artist) -> krabby_(monttiero)

Bad "artist" qualifier.

@TrueKringe, Again,"artist" isn't a bad qualifier, and it should not be renamed to a worse qualifier with a name the artist never used. As explained in forum #234339:

"artist" isn't a bad qualifier in this case, but what it's worse is that "monttierro" is not used in any of the artist's profiles, therefore this is a way worse qualifier. You probably meant "montteiro" which is an old name the artist doesn't use anymore, instead, going by just Krabby. For these reasons, krabby_(artist) should be kept, and also a plus for being already consistent with other boorus.