post #9000000 GET!

Tag for coniferous trees. Pine, spruce, etc.

Posted under Tags

Tree names are a mess IRL, the old traditional names conflict with old scientific latin names and with new gene based research.

I frankly cant tell the difference between whats tagged as spruce and pine on Danbooru. Aliasing all to conifer might be the best opiton.

nonamethanks said:
Are we sure we want to have an umbrella tag that contains christmas trees and random-ass pine forests?

ion288 said:
Tree names are a mess IRL, the old traditional names conflict with old scientific latin names and with new gene based research.
I frankly cant tell the difference between whats tagged as spruce and pine on Danbooru. Aliasing all to conifer might be the best opiton.

I can change my mind. Those trees look similar each other. Would you prefer a better aliasing into a more general category like this?
alias pine tree -> conifer
alias spruce -> conifer

BUR #18747 has been rejected.

rename conifer -> coniferous_tree
create alias spruce -> coniferous_tree
create alias pine_tree -> coniferous_tree
create alias fir_tree -> coniferous_tree
create alias cedar_tree -> coniferous_tree

ion288 said:
Tree names are a mess IRL, the old traditional names conflict with old scientific latin names and with new gene based research.

I frankly can't tell the difference between whats tagged as spruce and pine on Danbooru. Aliasing all to conifer might be the best option.

After further reconsideration, I think aliasing all of them into a single catch-all tag for any species of trees that look like 🌲and have needle-like leaves all the time. Yes, even the same species of any coniferous tree may look identical to each other. The tag conifer itself is used for coniferous trees instead of bush, so I requested renaming for clearer purpose. As usual, artistic rendition and details significantly blur the distinction between each species.
Some tags are extremely underpopulated, but I refrain from nuking it.

I almost thought aliasing all of them into "evergreen_tree", while coniferous refer to their reproductive system. Having word green on it seems not really suitable if they are depicted in monochrome or other colour presets.

For the same reason we even use palm tree for any species, regardless if it's coconut tree, date tree, or whatever.
Please reconsider. Bumped.
