creating new thread as suggested by NoNameThanks:
I believe the loli tag potentially creates too much confusion because of the contrast between how it is defined here (pre-adolescent girls 3-12) and how it is used in Japan (far more inclusive, all shoujo essentially, including adolescent teen girls)
This ultimately leads to shoujo-content being tagged as loli in contrast with the tag's definition instead of it only being used for youjo-content as intended. This ultimately leads to over-representation of how much pre-pubescent content there is, and to the unnecessary censorship of mid-pubescent erotica which falls outside the scope of the definition.
If the intent is to have a tag or tags representing pre-adolescent girls, rather than use "loli" in a way which contradicts decades of use in Japan, I'd propose we resurrect two shorthands found from the 1979 magazine Cybele Denshuubu (volume 2 page 54, top-right corner below catgirl)
★ ハイ . コン ( ヘイジ コンプレックス ) 5~10
★ アリ . コン ( アリス コンプレックス ) 7~12
★ ロリ . コン ( ロリータ コンプレックス ) 10~15
The first (heikon) would cover pre-adolescent girls while the 2nd (arikon) would cover girls in early adolescence.
The 3rd (rorikon) might be returned later for describing middle-adolescence girls as originally intended, but that may require some de-aliasing, something that could be done while splitting the loli tag into its base components.
I would also posit that we remove the 'sexual' component of the tag, because there is nothing sexual about Heidi of the Alps or Alice in Wonderland like there is with Lolita, those are just cute non-sexual stories. If there's a need to blacklist it could be done via some other tag.