post #9000000 GET!

How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Unbreakable said:

That wiki says it's for images split with a line though.

It's an underused tag who haven't receive much maintenance, we don't have another tag for unconventional split yet so that's the closest approach, since it's better than mistagging it split theme (which is in need of a less misleading name, the whole split_* concept is a mess).
Also post #6061796, whether it's split screen or not is debatable, but why split theme?

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magcolo said:

It's an underused tag who haven't receive much maintenance, we don't have another tag for unconventional split yet so that's the closest approach, since it's better than mistagging it split theme (which is in need of a less misleading name, the whole split_* concept is a mess).
Also post #6061796, whether it's split screen or not is debatable, but why split theme?

Well since split screen don't fit according to the wiki I couldn't find a better tag than split theme.

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zetsubousensei said:

post #6098500

Canon character who identifies as trans depicted as both a boy and girl. Should it be 1boy and 1girl or something else? Not sure what to tag since it's the same character. Currently have it as 1boy right now since character is biologically male.

loosely related to this, but is there a way to differentiate between dual persona and multiple views in such cases? or can both be tagged on the same image?
i personally would tag it both 1boy and 1girl though

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