
robot_girl tag?

Posted under General

I'm not sure it's all that necessary. Most of what you're looking for could be found under an android 1girl or humanoid_robot 1girl search, save for some mistags or posts of human girls with robots.

The other issue is gonna be drawing the line on what would be appropriate for the tag. We still don't have a consensus on where exactly the lines between android and humanoid robot end, nor whether characters whose only robotic elements are mechanical limbs or robot ears should be included under the android tag.

EDIT: Also if we do go ahead with populating robot girl and making it a staple tag, then we'd have to do the same for a robot boy tag for consistency.

HeeroWingZero said:

I'm not sure it's all that necessary. Most of what you're looking for could be found under an android 1girl or humanoid_robot 1girl search, save for some mistags or posts of human girls with robots.

I personally think it would be useful; we already have tags like monster_girl, slime_girl, cat_girl, demon_girl, fox_girl even ghost_girl, IMO using robot_girl/boy tags would make it a lot easier to search. Yeah, technically you can frankenstein a search that covers all the bases together if you add enough "OR" operators to it, but I think it would be more consistent to just tag robot girl art like any other non-human girl pictures

mongirlfan said:

robot girl could just be aliased to humanoid robot imo.

I don't think this is necessarily the best way to deal with it. Someone looking for a robot girl tag could be looking for something like Leviathan or Aegis, who fall into android, while humanoid robot is mostly full of posts that are like Pathfinder or Chappie, which they'd have to dig through to find things like post #5706208

I can see the utility for a robot girl tag but it's just going to be a massive population effort, and one that can't really be done until the lines for android are drawn. Otherwise we end up at an impasse trying to figure out if characters like Roboco-san and Chii qualify for robot girl.

To add on, where would it become TOO robotic for robot girl? Would things like female Transformers, Nobel Gundam, or FranXX units qualify or are they too mechanical?

HeeroWingZero said:

I don't think this is necessarily the best way to deal with it. Someone looking for a robot girl tag could be looking for something like Leviathan or Aegis, who fall into android, while humanoid robot is mostly full of posts that are like Pathfinder or Chappie, which they'd have to dig through to find things like post #5706208

I mean, I'm not suggesting that it replace those tags; I think it would actually help with your example because then you'd be able to search robot_girl android or robot_girl humanoid_robot depending on what you were looking for specifically.

I can see the utility for a robot girl tag but it's just going to be a massive population effort, and one that can't really be done until the lines for android are drawn.

I don't see why not? We could at least add a note to the wiki like "do not use unless the character is at least robotic enough to qualify for the android tag"

To add on, where would it become TOO robotic for robot girl? Would things like female Transformers, Nobel Gundam, or FranXX units qualify or are they too mechanical?

IMO the only way a "robot girl" could be disqualified for being too robotic would be the point at which they are no longer recognizable as a girl, which I don't think is much of an issue for any of the ones you mentioned.

DownWithTheThickness said:

I don't see why not? We could at least add a note to the wiki like "do not use unless the character is at least robotic enough to qualify for the android tag"

Unfortunately the problem is that there's no clear answer for what's robotic enough to qualify for android yet. I've mentioned it previously in forum #225737 and forum #226710, android is currently a mess of mistagging and canon tagging. Random posts of 2B and Android 18 with no mechanical parts obviously don't belong, but what about things like post #5857841 or post #5643971? Or characters like Chii and Is, who have robot ears and nothing else visibly mechanical about them.

Imo I think robot girl should be stricter than just qualifying for android. post #5852536 and post #4997643 qualify for android but I doubt someone searching for robot girl is going to be too interested in posts that are essentially normal girls with artificial skin seams or robot skeletons, as opposed to fully mechanical girls like Jenny Wakeman or Blazermate.

DownWithTheThickness said:

Just out of curiosity I wanted to see if putting that many "or" statements in a query broke anything, to its credit, the site can handle (humanoid_robot or android) (1girl or 2girls or 3girls or 4girls or 5girls or 6+girls), but that feels needlessly complicated, especially if you wanted any additional filters

You can shorten the girls search to (1girl or *girls) and it actually returns about 60 posts more than the longer one, but it's still more complex of a search than most users would want to bother with

HeeroWingZero said:

Imo I think robot girl should be stricter than just qualifying for android. post #5852536 and post #4997643 qualify for android but I doubt someone searching for robot girl is going to be too interested in posts that are essentially normal girls with artificial skin seams or robot skeletons, as opposed to fully mechanical girls like Jenny Wakeman or Blazermate.

That's fair, and I agree with you there. The low end of "robotic" is harder to delineate.

HeeroWingZero said:

You can shorten the girls search to (1girl or *girls) and it actually returns about 60 posts more than the longer one, but it's still more complex of a search than most users would want to bother with

... I don't know how I didn't realize that * worked in the actual post search. I've used it while looking up entries in the tags list more times than i can count.

blindVigil said:

I'm not sure why neither of you thought to use multiple girls instead of unnecessarily complex alternatives. It returns 8 fewer results than the shortened search, probably cutting out some random tags unrelated tags that end with "girls"

multiple_girls is a thing? I'm learning all sorts of new things today. Maybe we should add that one to the cheat sheet?

I suggested to alias it to humanoid robot mostly because this seems like a very small pet tag isn't even supposed to exist when we already have the proper tags.

DownWithTheThickness said:

I don't think that would work, robot_girl has very different implications, and I think would also overlap with android, which I believe we've already discussed not wanting to imply humanoid_robot

HeeroWingZero said:

I don't think this is necessarily the best way to deal with it. Someone looking for a robot girl tag could be looking for something like Leviathan or Aegis, who fall into android, while humanoid robot is mostly full of posts that are like Pathfinder or Chappie, which they'd have to dig through to find things like post #5706208

Well, Robot is Robot, Android is Android, therefore robot girl shouldn't be the same as android, specially if android isn't supposed to be treated as or imply humanoid robot. If you're looking for "robot_girl" and wants to get "android" results, then something is wrong. maybe the correct search would be something like android girl? idk

Seems to me that Androids and Robots are being mixed up here. A robot girl tag is supposed to work with both android and humanoid robot, and at the same time both tags being completely separated... I'm a little skeptical about that working properly and not creating even more mistags.

mongirlfan said:

Seems to me that Androids and Robots are being mixed up here. A robot girl tag is supposed to work with both android and humanoid robot, and at the same time both tags being completely separated... I'm a little skeptical about that working properly and not creating even more mistags imo.

If robot girl/boy were to be treated as a completely separate category from both android and humanoid robot then I assume it'd be for fully mechanical robot characters then? For example, posts of Ash and Jenny Wakeman would be moved out of android and Drossel Von Flugel out of humanoid robot to populate it.

mongirlfan said:

I suggested to alias it to humanoid robot mostly because this seems like a very small pet tag isn't even supposed to exist when we already have the proper tags.

Well in that case we'd want to nuke the tag, not alias it.

A robot girl tag is supposed to work with both android and humanoid robot, and at the same time both tags being completely separated... I'm a little skeptical about that working properly and not creating even more mistags.

It's not that they're supposed to be completely separate, there are a lot of cases where a given character could fit both android and humanoid_robot. I personally think we could use post #4779238 as a rubric; when I look at that, I see 2 & 3 as both qualifying for android, 3 through 5 are all humanoid_robot, while robot_girl would cover the whole range of 2-5.