
Project Sekai

Posted under Tags

Seems my english isnt that well, sorry again, but i meant BUR #12326 needs to have some posts minused, the BUR with the other mikus :p
I understand that the other cryptonloids would get them later just clearing it up here with the other group versions.
Again, apologizes for my wording


SimpleName21 said:

Seems my english isnt that well, sorry again, but i meant BUR #12326 needs to have some posts minused, the BUR with the other mikus :p
I understand that the other cryptonloids would get them later just clearing it up here with the other group versions.
Again, apologizes for my wording

Oh, which ones needs to be minused?

Also, don't apologize! I'm also terrible at English, in case it isn't obvious lmfao

Shibi said:

One way they could be categorized could be by the event names. The event all those outfits (+ a miku one) debuted in was "close game/OFFLINE", we could use that name or the gacha's name, "Cyber Sniper". If we choose one, we'd have to be consistent and use only event or gacha names.
I prefer the gacha names.

I think is gacha name is simpler, but that brings another problem, Shinonome Akito is featured in the event, but apparently he's not in the gacha?

magcolo said:

I think is gacha name is simpler, but that brings another problem, Shinonome Akito is featured in the event, but apparently he's not in the gacha?

Going to give a slight run down of how the game works:

In sekai, 3 members out of 5 selected will be focused (the star for that event) and be given 4* cards that will be in the gacha, where 2 out of 3 would have costumes until the 2021 New Year Event where all 3 would have costumes now. The rest of the members would be given in the in-game event store as a 2* and 3* to purchase with tokens you earn during said event (These cards don't get any costume). Who would be focused depends on the event, as there are 2 types: Mixed (Has members from multiple groups) and Marathon (Has members from only 1 group). Marathon events are an interesting one because all the crypton-loids are present for the event, just 1 will be focused for the gatcha (however, sometimes none at all).
There is also a third type which is Cheerful Carnival, but that can be either a marathon or mixed type but introduces event-limited cards for the gacha instead with special hair styles.
Furthermore, there is a special type of gacha that is not even associated with any events, which are called Colorful Festival Gatchas, which has 2 limited 4* and costumes for both.

So in the Case for the Cyber Sniper gatcha, Akito would be the 3* card and not be associated with the gatcha even though he is part of the event because there is already 3 selected from the 5 for the event.

In short, I think the event name would be more helpful here rather than the gatcha but for the Colorful Festival we might have to go for gatcha names, if we were to go ahead with this idea.


I honestly feel like the costume tags should be a general tag, which you could search + the character you wanted. (I think idolmaster and umamusume ones use that method?)
As far as i know, no other card-focused gacha has chartags for characters that can have up to 20 costumes.

Shibi said:

I honestly feel like the costume tags should be a general tag, which you could search + the character you wanted. (I think idolmaster and umamusume ones use that method?)
As far as i know, no other card-focused gacha has chartags for characters that can have up to 20 costumes.

Usually I don’t prefer general tags but I was leaning to that idea after discovering some posts referencing an event/card without referencing the outfit, so catchall tag sounds like the better idea. I can edit the posts of close game/offline later.
However there’re several things we need to set up before going with it.
What to do to events that aren’t on EN yet? What to do if an event is associated with a song, is it better to tag the event, the song, or both? What about outfits that aren’t associated with an event?

magcolo said:
What to do if an event is associated with a song, is it better to tag the event, the song, or both?

I wouldn't mind either option.. though sometimes the song's MV doesn't even feature the event outfits, like post #5536090 (Glory Steady Go!)
If only songless events didn't exist, i'd use song tags. But since they do, keeping consistency might be better.

magcolo said:
What about outfits that aren’t associated with an event?

That's a bit tricky. They're usually the default starting outfits (like the one designed by rella), or the premium pass ones. Since they're not related to any character, they have no way to qualify them other than their separate names or the month they debuted in.

For preimum pass... ....premium_pass_8-22_(project sekai)? for this post #5671819 outfit..? i don't know..
For starting designs like post #3682006, a _(module) tag maybe? Borrowed from project diva.
And for region-specific designs, like post #5674233's KR Server only dresses.. i'm lost.

Shibi said:

I honestly feel like the costume tags should be a general tag, which you could search + the character you wanted. (I think idolmaster and umamusume ones use that method?)

Umamusume seems to use both (tokai teio (beyond the horizon) + brand-new friend), not sure how it works?

Shibi said:

I wouldn't mind either option.. though sometimes the song's MV doesn't even feature the event outfits, like post #5536090 (Glory Steady Go!)
If only songless events didn't exist, i'd use song tags. But since they do, keeping consistency might be better.

So if it's a reference to an outfit shown in the song MV (post #5205185), we tag both the event and the song? What about a non-prsk fanart of a song that also reference the event? (usually utaite/vtuber covers post #5170070).

Shibi said:

That's a bit tricky. They're usually the default starting outfits (like the one designed by rella), or the premium pass ones. Since they're not related to any character, they have no way to qualify them other than their separate names or the month they debuted in.

For preimum pass... ....premium_pass_8-22_(project sekai)? for this post #5671819 outfit..? i don't know..
For starting designs like post #3682006, a _(module) tag maybe? Borrowed from project diva.
And for region-specific designs, like post #5674233's KR Server only dresses.. i'm lost.

Have they ever been referred to with a proper name somewhere? I couldn't find any information about the starting designs, why aren't they on the wiki? I don't like the _(module) idea too much, it's weird to mixed copyrights together (only project diva uses the "module" qualifier), and they're legacy tags that need clean ups so I don't want to get into that mess for now. We can go with a similar concept but use "project sekai" or "sekai" as qualifier.
Are there any other copoyrights with non-character-specific outfits?


We would run into a problem if we only reference event and song for a design, post #5286318 and post #5242881 references a gatcha that is not associated with any events or song (Colorful Festival Gatchas). So how would we deal with that? (Though for the other costumes we could tag both as most songs with their costumes are associated with events, namely the marathon events)
Possibly a catch-all term for colorful festival gatchas as they normally return every with colorful festival gatcha?

As for the proper names, form the JP side i've seen the default costumes normally be associated with the outfit name themselves (In the fandom/wiki they are under "Costums from the Shop"). The event costumes are sometimes associated with song name, and for the colorful festival gatcha ones (the ones i've linked earlier) they are named either just "colorful fes" + character name or just the card name themselves.


SimpleName21 said:

We would run into a problem if we only reference event and song for a design, post #5286318 and post #5242881 references a gatcha that is not associated with any events or song (Colorful Festival Gatchas). So how would we deal with that? (Though for the other costumes we could tag both as most songs with their costumes are associated with events, namely the marathon events)
Possibly a catch-all term for colorful festival gatchas as they normally return every with colorful festival gatcha?

That’s not a big problem, we can just tag the gacha name if it isn’t associated with any event. But as long as there’s an event, it should surpass the gacha, since the gacha doesn’t cover everything from the event.

If a posts references an outfit in a song MV, we tag both the song and the event.
If a post references a scene in the event that isn’t in the song MV, tag the event but not the song.
If a post references a song not associated with any event, or references the vocaloid ver. MV with prsk characters, aka not referencing the prsk ver. MV, tag the song only. (tho I doubt if we can find any example of the latter)
If a posts references an eventless gacha, tag the gacha
If the outfit is from somewhere else (shop default/premium pass/etc), we’ll think about that later…

SimpleName21 said:

Possibly a catch-all term for colorful festival gatchas as they normally return every with colorful festival gatcha?
and for the colorful festival gatcha ones (the ones i've linked earlier) they are named either just "colorful fes" + character name or just the card name themselves.

I think it’s better to be precise with the exact gacha rather than catchall tag for every colorful festival outfit, because we don’t know how many outfits the same character can get. It’ll make it difficult to search for a specific outfit eventually.


magcolo said:

That’s not a big problem, we can just tag the gacha name if it isn’t associated with any event. But as long as there’s an event, it should surpass the gacha, since the gacha doesn’t cover everything from the event.

If a posts references an outfit in a song MV, we tag both the song and the event.
If a post references a scene in the event that isn’t in the song MV, tag the event but not the song.
If a post references a song not associated with any event, or references the vocaloid ver. MV with prsk characters, aka not referencing the prsk ver. MV, tag the song only. (tho I doubt if we can find any example of the latter)
If a posts references an eventless gacha, tag the gacha
If the outfit is from somewhere else (shop default/premium pass/etc), we’ll think about that later…

Alright, this I can work with. I do agree that we should deal with the shop defaults and premium pass stuff later as that would be a mess and a half to deal with.

magcolo said:

I think it’s better to be precise with the exact gacha rather than catchall tag for every colorful festival outfit, because we don’t know how many outfits the same character can get. It’ll make it difficult to search for a specific outfit eventually.

Yeah, thinking about it now it's not the best solution. So for post #5286318, it would be something like 1.5_year_gatcha? Since the full name of the gatcha is a bit too long to deal with IMO
Though posts like these: post #5383446 post #4626442 are part of a colorful festival gacha that is just simply called... Colorful Festival Gatcha :D


magcolo said:

Umamusume seems to use both (tokai teio (beyond the horizon) + brand-new friend), not sure how it works?

magcolo said:
What about a non-prsk fanart of a song that also reference the event? (usually utaite/vtuber covers post #5170070).

Should warrant the event tag no?

SimpleName21 said:

Yeah, thinking about it now it's not the best solution. So for post #5286318, it would be something like 1.5_year_gatcha? Since the full name of the gatcha is a bit too long to deal with IMO

I prefer "1.5 anniversary" or "1.5 year anniversary", but wouldn’t mind too much either way.

Don’t forget that whether it’s an event or a gacha, they should all have the _(project sekai) qualifier.

SimpleName21 said:

Though posts like these: post #5383446 post #4626442 are part of a colorful festival gacha that is just simply called... Colorful Festival Gatcha :D

What a name x( I don’t think there’s a better solution for the it…

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