
Searches give blank pages

Posted under General

As the title says, I search for something and get 400+ pages, but the vast majority have either zero or just 1 or 2 thumbnails. Is there a setting I'm missing to just get all relevant images/thumbs shoved to the front of the list so I don't have to waste time clicking next page?

Unbreakable said:

Are you in safe mode?

Nope, basically it's just hiding struck search terms instead of culling them. Like I search animated, and when the page loads it just hides blacklisted items and I get a single item, I click to page 2-5 and the pages are blank, but when I get to page 6 there's 2 items shown, page 7 1 item, page 8 blank etc. I'd basically have to load all 400+ pages of search results hoping something actually pops up.

If you're blacklisting a lot of the site, then yes, pages will have few posts because blacklisting is done at the browser level. Try setting more posts per page (like 100-200) or explicitly excluding certain tags from your searches.

WhiteStarPony said:

Nope, basically it's just hiding struck search terms instead of culling them. Like I search animated, and when the page loads it just hides blacklisted items and I get a single item, I click to page 2-5 and the pages are blank, but when I get to page 6 there's 2 items shown, page 7 1 item, page 8 blank etc. I'd basically have to load all 400+ pages of search results hoping something actually pops up.

That's normal, blacklisting stuff just hides the posts, it doesn't remove them from searches.