post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

blindVigil said:

Unless we have, or are going to make, alternative ways to find those concepts, I think most of those are fine as is.

The slime one is maybe fine, but of the first batch almost all of them were made by a lone person and haven't been touched since. pool #16573 has been at two images for nearly two years. pool #18947 is just more or less the entirety of the thigh gap tag. exhibitionism pov gets faaaar more than the four images in pool #18912.

pool #17266 seems to be some kind of dramatic irony pool. The fact that I can't really tell what it is makes me wonder it's validity.


Veradux said:

These seem to be some kind of favorite pools or similar:
pool #17962
pool #16573
pool #17260
pool #18912
pool #18947

  • pool #17962 - This is a common trope. Work distractions could complement it as a separate pool, but that one isn't as common.
  • pool #16573 - I feel this might be a rare occurrence. Unless someone somehow finds some more content to the pool, it should be removed.
  • pool #17260 - I see no issue with this one. The pool seems to have been defined well.
  • pool #18912 - There is some potential here. The pool could aid discoverability for some hard-to-find posts. Some of them aren't tagged with pov. There are no more than four posts in the pool, thus we could deem the pool a failure.
  • pool #18947 - While the pool might make sense for some people, I doubt people can agree which shapes can be recognized as triangles.

And then these two seem pointless:
pool #17266
pool #13582

  • pool #17266 consists of some typical representations of irony in comedy. I'm not sure if this umbrella pool is a good idea, but I might appreciate the increased discoverability for ironic self-confidence.
  • pool #13582 - I'm not sure why there are pools for specific pokemons. The unexpected gender identity irony concept sounds wider to me. Maybe these could be joined under some new pools e.g. Gender_Presumption_Failure, Atypical_Gender_Against_A_Gender_Stereotype and Gender_Identity_Discomfort. These pools could then be searched with the specific pokemon names.


Nacha said:

Just saw the pool and thought the same. I don't see the use for this pool.

The only saving grace I see for it is posts like post #5474648 and post #5475840 that reference the trend instead of participating, otherwise any combination of ninomae_ina'nis and ass/from_behind/backless_dress will find the majority of the relevant posts. There's no hashtag for the trend, either, and many artists don't even mention it in the commentary, so you can only assume based on timing if they're actually joining the trend.

I'd like for pool #3032 (Beautiful Smile) to be nuked. From a quick scroll through several pages it seems it's very subjectively used for random kinds of smiles that tickled the pool updater's fancy at the time, and from the pool's wishy-washy description it seems like any smile that isn't an evil smile would count.

AngryZapdos said:

I'd like for pool #3032 (Beautiful Smile) to be nuked. From a quick scroll through several pages it seems it's very subjectively used for random kinds of smiles that tickled the pool updater's fancy at the time, and from the pool's wishy-washy description it seems like any smile that isn't an evil smile would count.

All the subjective pools are like that. Collection pools, even some of the more objective ones, are ultimately just dumping grounds for whatever garbage users fancy.