post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

This ain't grotesque, futa is. And there is no good source anymore, deleted from pixiv. The only other sources are sankaku or Other than that you can really appreciate the detail here. Look at them clavicles!

"Absolutely horrid anatomy". I wish I could see what this dipshit usually approves. This is levels above the garbage he must like. Speaking of horrible anatomy his head must be misshapen.

Not my appeal but I want it to be approved. How has it not been approved? Everything else with this character and artist has been approved. Does this site have a restriction on how good a post can be as well? Its not like this stuff is fan art by amateurs. Is rule34 the level strived for here?

I'm starting to see why gelbooru was made, this approval process F'n sucks. It should should be: allow everything not breaking basic + other rules and only take out what is flagged by others as low quality and etc. Instead of having everything approved by less than 30 seemingly similar-minded people within a 3-day timespan modding an entire site. Sorry about the rant but I can see where this is going, and I'm kinda mad about it. Plz don't ban, I'm just letting off steam.

Bionicman76 said:

I'm starting to see why gelbooru was made, this approval process F'n sucks. It should should be: allow everything not breaking basic + other rules and only take out what is flagged by others as low quality and etc.

That’s how Gelbooru does it. If you prefer it that way, maybe just use Gelbooru instead?

Sorry about the rant but I can see where this is going, and I'm kinda mad about it. Plz don't ban, I'm just letting off steam.

If you don’t want to get banned, let off steam somewhere else. Insulting our approvers and other users will only get you banned. This is your only warning.

kittey said:
That’s how Gelbooru does it. If you prefer it that way, maybe just use Gelbooru instead?

I have both, the process just seems arbitrary over here. And gelbooru lacks the convenience/user commitment danbooru has. I just wanted to share art I liked (that also happens to not be garbage) but the process is apparently fundamentally flawed.

And I thought the mean bits weren't that bad anyway, and they were not towards a specific user anyhow. And again sorry. I do feel bad about my words.... but not as bad as i do about the posts.

ShiningBuster said:

post #5628968

It's Wriggle. She looks weirdly off. Hunchbacked, no neck, etc.

209 said:

Wondering about these
post #5628023
post #5628093
post #5628719
thank you very much :)

The first feels like an awkward midpoint between chibi and not. Ends up with alien eyes and odd proportions. The second and third are just generally rough, especially the third.

Qeemo said:

I know this was little bad with the eyes,but overall it's kidda good art though?I seen worst on danbooru got pass already.
post #5629515

Rough on the details. Weird neck, her eyes and tilted further than her head is, and it doesn't feel like she was drawn on the background.

"I've seen worse" is never a good reason.

NPEE2003 said:

post #5505016 and post #5504971 I tired appeal but now both of post it rejected

I'm a long-waisted dude, but they're kinda awkwardly long. Drew the muscles from a guide and phoned in the rest, it seems.

Pizzastoners said:

post #5631711

Looks very rough, almost like it's a headshop. Rough on the details, too.

vivoleko01 said:

post #5632837

Tiny hands and awkward hair shading.

skywalkerred said:

Why wasn't post #5633388 approved? Its other variants were, why wasn't the topless version approved?

Because the first two weren't approved, they were uploaded by an unrestricted user. Be careful of that, but I've approved it.

Bionicman76 said:

I don't understand why these 2 were not approved. Is this just a case of mods not liking a certain fetish, its a pretty average kink? These are objectively high quality.

The anatomy in these is egregiously bad. Lactation is a common enough fetish, but spread nipples vomiting milk like a clogged fire hose is not. And I think you're using "objectively" to mean "it makes me horny".
Nipples don't work like that, tongues don't work like that, her wrist is twisted, her shoulders are all over the place, her neck is awful, and you celebrating those clavicles as high quality makes me suspicious that you're doing this for a laugh.

Bionicman76 said:

I have both, the process just seems arbitrary over here. And gelbooru lacks the convenience/user commitment danbooru has. I just wanted to share art I liked (that also happens to not be garbage) but the process is apparently fundamentally flawed.

And I thought the mean bits weren't that bad anyway, and they were not towards a specific user anyhow. And again sorry. I do feel bad about my words.... but not as bad as i do about the posts.

Most people who complain that the approval system is arbitrary are those who are trying to force their fetish through. There are flaws with the system, but "you guys won't approve post #699752" is really not it.

Keep in mind that Gelbooru has a bot that copy/pastes everything except comics from here. The stuff that they have that we don't tends to be ancient unsourced stuff, hentai video clips, and weird shit.

I also noticed that you're banned from Gelbooru. I'm not sure how you managed that, but your appeal involved insulting Lozer directly, so your statement of "feeling bad about your words" rings hollow. Not everyone is going to like your fetish. That's no reason to get mad.

Long story short on gelbooru (of which I have another account). I was shitposting on the forums which is basically allowed over there unlike here. Except I touched a nerve with lozer for posting about the pm issue we currently have going on over there, he went totalitarian by deleting every other thread about it from other users who were legitimately asking about it. He basically said "do not continue". Apparently he thinks people can read minds when he really means to not post even an unrelated comment on other unrelated threads. So i got banned from the site for a misunderstanding. I tried to appeal on the discord and argued my case politely but instead just got insulted by him, "maybe if you had reading comprehension" (mind you all he wrote was: "do not continue") in a comment which he later edited because he probably knew he was in the wrong. In short he's a dick who lacks the ability to communicate to his own website users. So falling short of (insert misfortunate event which I later decided against typing) I just made another account and edited an old photo of him with the tag "ugly bastard". Basically Im a martyr /s :P