Hi, can I ask why these posts were deleted? If something is legitimately wrong with them, I understand, but just don't see it myself.
post #5613067
post #5613019
post #5612213
post #5612198
Posted under General
Hi, can I ask why these posts were deleted? If something is legitimately wrong with them, I understand, but just don't see it myself.
post #5613067
post #5613019
post #5612213
post #5612198
Tasy said:
Hi, can I ask why these posts were deleted? If something is legitimately wrong with them, I understand, but just don't see it myself.
post #5613067
post #5613019
post #5612213
post #5612198
Danbooru, in general, does not look too favorably upon self-uploads. The artist uploading their own work can have significant bias towards their own work and a lack of subjectivity.
DeusExCalamus said:
Danbooru, in general, does not look too favorably upon self-uploads. The artist uploading their own work can have significant bias towards their own work and a lack of subjectivity.
This has now been removed from the upload guidelines. Self Uploads were previously discouraged, but a few hours ago an admin removed all references to self-uploading from upload rules, guidelines, etc. to reflect Evazion's opinions on it. Keep this in mind going forward.
As for the posts in question, they all have very noticeable bad anatomy.
Pizzastoners said:
First one is just generally low quality. Essentially a colored sketch with weak linework.
Second one has odd anatomy. Weird should and gangly arm/hand.
My semester starts tomorrow. Teaching one more class than expected. I'mma be ignoring this thread for half the week at a time at least.
Hi! I just wanted to know what's wrong with post #5414694 and why it ended up getting flagged and deleted.
I'm asking this because the motive for flagging was "Quality check. Parent deleted.", which didn't seem that valid when there are noticeable variations between both posts and because the drawing overall seems fine. I was also checking other flagged posts from the same artist and post #4456434 had the same exact reason, copy and paste. The parent of this one was approved and it's just a revised and upscaled version of it, so this seems like someone was just review bombing some posts of artist #45345 (horosuke).
On a side note, I would also like some feedback of post #4376745, which was one of the first images that I uploaded but messed up while appealing (didn't know I need to wait for a month so approvers could see it again). This one is not much of a hot take as in the previous paragraph, it's just an itch that I had since I started uploading.
Know post like these aren't for everyone, but could someone provide feedback for:
post #5618499 (If I had to guess maybe the breast or anatomy?)
post #5623580 (again, maybe the breast? Plus motion blur?)
Hi, I would appreciate some feedback on why these posts were considered low quality.
post #5561930
post #5599131
post #5440395
post #5544160
post #5559304
post #5611056
I can't see what are wrong with my uploads, specially the touhou (pc-98) ones.
post #5621451
post #5621213
post #5573728
post #5511787
post #5504044
post #5488594
post #5488578
post #5483069
post #5445931
Foolboy234 said:
Know post like these aren't for everyone, but could someone provide feedback for:
post #5618499 (If I had to guess maybe the breast or anatomy?)
post #5623580 (again, maybe the breast? Plus motion blur?)
Yes, the breasts are a bit off. Sexually explicit images are less likely to get approved and tentacle porn doesnt seem to have many fans among the active approvers. The second post has an odd hipp structure, not sure if it is bad anatomy but it looks wrong.
StormTrigger said:
Hi, I would appreciate some feedback on why these posts were considered low quality.
post #5561930
post #5599131
post #5440395
post #5544160
post #5559304
post #5611056
post #5561930: bad hands and the perspective or leg proportions looks off. Its not terrible.
post #5599131: Her head is to far back in relation to her breasts. Is the guy doing the splits? If so, bad legs and hipps. Her face looks flat. Excessive cum. Again, explicit images are less likely to be approved.
post #5440395: All of the anatomy is bad. Im sure its intentional but it still looks terrible. Bondage isnt very popular on Danbooru.
post #5544160: Exaggerated breasts. Thin arms and bad hands. Rated Q but really close to being explicit.
post #5559304: Hands, legs and an elongated torso. Overall rather basic and stiff composition.
post #5611056: Rough linework and little shading. Her knees appears to be amputated. Thin neck and there is something about her face that looks off, possibly the location of her nose.
jos86 said:
I Have tree deleted uploads, but I Can't Understand why are they deleted??
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5636481How can they could be acepted???
jos86 said:
You’ve come to the wrong place. Danbooru is a reposting site for high quality art. None of your uploads come anywhere near “high quality”.
If you made any of the images you uploaded yourself, a better place to upload them would be Deviantart. If you found them and wanted to share them, better use Twitter or something, but don’t upload them to Danbooru. Anything on that level will never be approved.