Posted under General
The bulk update request #11923 (forum #219901) has been approved by @AngryZapdos.
BUR #11926 has been approved by @Jisadel.
create alias pasuo3 -> pasuo
create alias user_hwux5775 -> pasuo
Same person; it seems like whoever created both artist tags is aware they are the same person, but didn't bother requesting an alias.
The bulk update request #11926 (forum #219910) has been approved by @Inujerr.
sadodere said:
BUR #11912 has been approved by @evazion.
rename shii_(luochen_xi) -> haiiro_(frabilovelove)
According to Twitter, the alias they go by now is "Haiiro" (which is present as their watermark in all commissions). The Twitter username is frabilovelove.
You generally shouldn't use renames unless the tag name is ambiguous.
BUR #11928 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create alias shinewillow -> miritenoru
Same artist (pixiv #100414507, twitter #1557755556357865472, twitter profile linked in pixiv bio)
The bulk update request #11928 (forum #219916) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #11930 (forum #219920) has been approved by @Talulah.
The bulk update request #11912 (forum #219871) has been approved by @evazion.
sadodere said:
BUR #11912 has been approved by @evazion.
rename shii_(luochen_xi) -> haiiro_(frabilovelove)
According to Twitter, the alias they go by now is "Haiiro" (which is present as their watermark in all commissions). The Twitter username is frabilovelove.
There's another Haiiro that should be disambiguated in this case.
BUR #11931 has been approved by @user_499293.
rename haiiro -> haiiro_(hi_ghi_ro)
There are many other haiiros. Using twitter handle as qualifier.
The bulk update request #11931 (forum #219929) has been approved by @Talulah.
BUR #11934 has been approved by @Punished_Kiki.
create alias tin_bui -> tdark135
real name -> artist name.
The bulk update request #11934 (forum #219940) has been approved by @punished_K.
BUR #11936 has been approved by @The.Duke.
create alias renjianshilian0 -> renjian_shilian
same artist, twitter handle -> artist name
The bulk update request #11936 (forum #219948) has been approved by @OblivionZero.
BUR #11938 has been approved by @Nameless_Contributor.
Old name -> current name.
BUR #11939 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
Ambiguous with the other tags called "goroo" also exist.
The bulk update request #11938 (forum #219954) has been approved by @Nameless_Contributor.