
Change log for Danbooru 1.18

Posted under General

- Reworked moderation system. Flagging is now gone; instead anyone can now unapprove a post to send it back to the queue, where mods can either ignore/approve it. Once a post has been unapproved once it can't be unapproved again. The pruning script will handle these posts as a special case and will only delete 3 days after the post was flagged and no one has approved it. This is still experimental.
- Added previews for dmails.

Updated by zatchii

albert said: instead anyone can now unapprove a post to send it back to the queue


Also, can you do some sort of outline/coloring/etc to make clearer which posts in the queue are still pending approval and which have been added though an "unapproval"?

This feature does not seem to work.

It seems to only flag for deletion, which in turn does not work.

If there is this feature, there should be a "resubmit" feature so that there is no need for the deletion appeal thread. This is probably a bad idea though that would generate a lot more work than the "reapprove" feature.

Granola said: If there is this feature, there should be a "resubmit" feature so that there is no need for the deletion appeal thread. This is probably a bad idea though that would generate a lot more work than the "reapprove" feature.

Ohhhhh no, definitely not, as you note it'd get a lot of extra work all for things that by and large sucked the first time. This reapproval thing being open to everyone is already going to expand the size of the mod queue enough when any user with a grudge against a certain show or artist can just go and toss everything back in the queue.

jxh2154 said:
This reapproval thing being open to everyone is already going to expand the size of the mod queue enough when any user with a grudge against a certain show or artist can just go and toss everything back in the queue.

That's a good point. While it is a good thing that even contributor uploads aren't even safe against the unapproving function, I also see that the function will potentially be abused by anyone, especially those with a bias against a show/artist/genre/kind of image. Just my two cents.


Granola said: If they do, then the image will just be reapproved and they won't be able to flag it again.

That's still a lot of extra work, though. Also, people might start using this to unapprove half the old posts on the site. Which is reasonable in some cases, but I hope people reserve it for the really awful stuff because there's a heck of a lot of "well it was acceptable at the time and is nothing really awful but if seen in the queue today it'd likely be passed over because of stricter standards now" and I don't think that stuff should necessarily be deleted.

Urgh, I just looked at the queue (which I totally cleaned out earlier today...) and there's... a lot of unapprove-flagged images already. Many of them 2-3 years old.

Also, we really need to do something about people flagging for dupes. That's a whole can of worms I don't want to see opened. We won't go out of our way to approve dupes in the queue, but we don't delete ones that exist either.

Especially because "duplicate" can just as easily mean "Artist uploaded a bigger version to pixiv a couple days later" or "I'm calling this a dupe because all they did was clean off text" or "My subjective opinion over which image is superior leads me to call version 'x' the dupe" etc etc.

albert said:
Flagging is now gone; instead anyone can now unapprove a post to send it back to the queue, where mods can either ignore/approve it.

Have you guys really thought this all the way through? All you need is 1 pissed off user with too much time and suddenly you'll have half of danbooru dumped back into the mod queue for no real reason.
At the very least, I think some form of "can flag a maximum of X posts per day" -thing ought to be there to prevent the worst abuse if the system is really going to be open to everyone. Mods and whatever could obviously work without a limit.

I just used it in one of my old posts; it's apparently identical to flagging for deletion, only the reason for flagging is not displayed in the post and you have to go to thumbnail view and see the red outline to know if it worked.

スラッシュ said:
I figure it should make use of the upload limit. A major reason it's like that is to alleviate strain on the mod queue in the first place, and a "de-approved" image is just as much a burden on the mod queue as a fresh upload.

Soljashy said:
This is a very good point. So you're suggesting that an unapprove essentially counts as an upload?

When an uploaded post is deleted though, a user's upload limit is decreased too, so he cannot upload more crap and strain the mod queue. If somebody can unapprove images based on his upload limit, but biased unapprovals (posts that don't deserve to and won't be deleted) have no effect on this limit, he can still unapprove all the posts in Danbooru.

That's just what I think, anyway, you guys know better, I'm just trying to help.

edit: I also noticed that the unapprove button shows up on uploads which were left unapproved for 3 days, appealed and then approved; that's rather pointless, isn't?


Fred1515 said:
If somebody can unapprove images based on his upload limit, but biased unapprovals (posts that don't deserve to and won't be deleted) have no effect on this limit, he can still unapprove all the posts in Danbooru.

Well, that's true but that would still take forever at 20 images per 3 days... Might not be ideal but it's certainly preferable to the current situation. Also being able to see who is "de-approving" what will allow us to at least warn and/or ban people who are obviously malicious. (Or indeed reduce their upload slots which I figure should be renamed to something like "mod queue slots" to 0.)


jxh2154 said:
Also, we really need to do something about people flagging for dupes.

I agree. This is a pet peeve of mine. Although I nearly always check for dupes prior to approving new uploads, it has always been our policy not to delete old ones unless there is some other good reason to (low quality, etc). It wastes everyone's time when these are flagged. Unfortunately it's now harder to separate them from the others.

I'd second the idea that community flagged posts should be distinguished in some way, though we are running out of usable colors.

I have a curious question. If an image is approve, and then someone puts it back into the queue again, does it reset its status of being hidden to the mods that have already hid it before the first time around?

I understand that those who had hid it before will most likely hide it again instead of approving it, but keeping it hidden could result in the mod who approved it being the only person to be able to approve it again. Personally I'd be hesitant to approve a second time the same image, but if it isn't approve by them and it's already hidden by the other mods isn't that more or less saying that images can potentially be pocket vetoed by users of any rank?

NWF_Renim said:
I have a curious question. If an image is approve, and then someone puts it back into the queue again, does it reset its status of being hidden to the mods that have already hid it before the first time around?

I understand that those who had hid it before will most likely hide it again instead of approving it, but keeping it hidden could result in the mod who approved it being the only person to be able to approve it again. Personally I'd be hesitant to approve a second time the same image, but if it isn't approve by them and it's already hidden by the other mods isn't that more or less saying that images can potentially be pocket vetoed by users of any rank?

Due to how I do moderation this would actually be a big problem: I usually open the mod queue, hide every image in the queue, while opening images that I might want to approve in new tabs. So I hide every image, even ones I end up approving.

I could test it quite easily though...

EDIT: Just tested it, and yes hidden items stay hidden when de-approved. D:


I don't really think this should be available to everyone, and I say this as only a mere member myself. At the very least there should be some sort of limit (like the one mentioned above about using the upload formula) in place.

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