BUR #10248 has been rejected.
create implication character_signature -> signature
According to the wikis for both tags, a character signature is a kind of signature.
Posted under Tags
BUR #10248 has been rejected.
create implication character_signature -> signature
According to the wikis for both tags, a character signature is a kind of signature.
signature is not exclusive to the artist's signature?
i thought signature is only if the artist signs, while on the other hand character_signature is if the fictional character appearing in the illustration signs, but not the artist from the real life.
if an implication is created, both would be mixed and it would be impossible to search for them separately, right?
tremolo_measure said:
signature is not exclusive to the artist's signature?
i thought signature is only if the artist signs, while on the other hand character_signature is if the fictional character appearing in the illustration signs, but not the artist from the real life.
if an implication is created, both would be mixed and it would be impossible to search for them separately, right?
I'd be okay with that definition, but we'll need a rewiki if that's what we decide.
Previous topic: topic #14231
The intended usage was to have signature used for both artist signatures and character signature.
I think the implication is fine. My gripe is that at the moment you can't search for signatures that are not artist signatures or character signatures, due to artist signature being merged with signature.
The bulk update request #10248 (forum #212237) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.