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Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

Username_Hidden said:

BUR #10848 has been rejected.

create alias momendoufu -> montygluey

Former name -> new name

Their display name on Pixiv, Twitter, Fanbox, Sketch and Skeb is still 木綿豆腐, which both Google MTL and Jisho reads as momendoufu, it's just their stacc/handle that are montygluey. Personally I'd either keep the name as it is or maybe try changing it to momentoufu, because one of their twitter accounts and their youtube account have "toufu" instead of "doufu" in the display name, so there's a chance the current name is a wrong reading.

laesx said:

BUR #10852 has been approved by @user_499293.

create alias azara_shin -> yrstkun

he changed name, I updated the artist page first with the new name (twitter @) and updated links to his twitter as well as fantia, I don't know if this was the way to go since his main name in twitter is "Yurushite kun" Romanized. Someone please correct it if I'm wrong.

This will probably be approved anyway because it's a random artist with few posts, but if you see it, I'd like if you add a second line to your BUR like this: alias yrstkun -> yurushite-kun, so the artist tag will have the display name instead of the handle and nobody will need to manually rename the tag. In case you don't know how to do it, click "bulk update request #10852" and then press edit.

EDIT: Nvm, it's already solved.
