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Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

Hyozen said:

Taking the opportunity, what are the guidelines for aliasing artists? Sometimes I see aliases going from older to newer artists and sometimes the opposite, personally I think if the artist has changed their name, the alias should go from the older to the newer name, but I don't see it happening every time, I suppose there's something obvious I'm missing.

There isn't a written guideline that I know of, though Howto:Romanize talks about trying to use original names of artists. Me, when I find duplicates, I prefer aliasing Pixiv/Twitter handles to the artist's name, following Danbooru's romanization standard. It usually means old -> new.

I only rename new and small user_* and ambiguous tags. After all, aliases preserve the previous tags in searches.

Laudividni said:

There isn't a written guideline that I know of, though Howto:Romanize talks about trying to use original names of artists. Me, when I find duplicates, I prefer aliasing Pixiv/Twitter handles to the artist's name, following Danbooru's romanization standard. It usually means old -> new.

I only rename new and small user_* and ambiguous tags. After all, aliases preserve the previous tags in searches.

I was asking more about the older -> newer artist tag and vice-versa alias order, but it has already been answered, it's usually better going new -> old in order to preserve the artist's changes history and that rule also has started been consistently followed, so everything is clear for me now. What you said is correct though, handles and staccs shouldn't be used as an artist tag by itself, I personally only use them as qualifiers when the artist's display name solely is too short/ambiguous to be a tag.

Hyozen said:

It's usually better going new -> old in order to preserve the artist's changes history and that rule also has started been consistently followed, so everything is clear for me now.

I mean, I don't see value in redirecting new tags to older ones, especially if the outdated are handles or the artist don't go by that name anymore. You have to check the tags that were aliased instead of the final tag, but their version history is kept.

BUR #10704 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias jang_ju_hyeon -> dopey_(dopq)

The artist hasn't used his full name to refer to himself in years. It's only on his art station, probably from over 5 years ago.
Most of his popular accounts use either "Dopq" or "Dopey" (Twitter, Patreon, Youtube, etc) and most people know him by those aliases.

I think it's about time we change it on here too, but I'll wait for more opinions on what the tag should be.

Specifically, I'm unsure whether yy62401, his twitter stacc or his alias Dopey would be better for the tag. I figured the two names are kind of similar and stacc is more unique, so I chose the stacc.
I also considered dopq_(yy62401) and Dopey_(yy62401), but it seems he uses Dopq a bit more (Twitter, his most active site, and his Youtube channel).


Admiral_Pectoral said:

BUR #10704 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias jang_ju_hyeon -> dopey_(dopq)

The artist hasn't used his full name to refer to himself in years. It's only on his art station, probably from over 5 years ago.
Most of his popular accounts use either "Dopq" or "Dopey" (Twitter, Patreon, Youtube, etc) and most people know him by those aliases.

I think it's about time we change it on here too, but I'll wait for more opinions on what the tag should be.

Specifically, I'm unsure whether yy62401, his twitter stacc or his alias Dopey would be better for the tag. I figured the two names are kind of similar and stacc is more unique, so I chose the stacc.
I also considered Dopey_(dopq) and Dopey_(yy62401), but it seems he uses Dopq a bit more (Twitter, his most active site, and his Youtube channel).

dopq_(dopey) looks better.