Right now the head wings wiki calls them "Wings that are attached to the head", which wing ears would fall under.
Updated by Unbreakable
Posted under Tags
Right now the head wings wiki calls them "Wings that are attached to the head", which wing ears would fall under.
Updated by Unbreakable
There's also bird ears, so I think this is something that needs to be organized via gardening before any BURs are touched.
Wing ears seems to be both head wings and ears that are feathers. As such, in my professional birbfucker opinion, we should garden wing ears into bird ears and head wings, then alias bird ears and wing ears to create a new tag, feathered ears. Or ear feathers. Or similar.
Veradux said:
There's also bird ears, so I think this is something that needs to be organized via gardening before any BURs are touched.
Wing ears seems to be both head wings and ears that are feathers. As such, in my
professional birbfuckeropinion, we should garden wing ears into bird ears and head wings, then implicate bird ears and wing ears to create a new tag, feathered ears. Or ear feathers. Or similar.
Okay, I can get to work on that. o/
Sorry to doublepost, but I'm going through the wing ears tag and I'm having a little trouble with the head wings/bird ears dividing line. Should bird ears be specifically "ear"-shaped (post #5324287), or are they just any kind of wings/feathers coming out of the place where ears should be (post #5149700, post #5191259, post #5094458)?
For the most part, I've always tagged bird ears as ear-shaped or otherwise ear-ish. There's obviously some overlap where it ultimately is a call by the tagger, like for characters like Aciddrop in post #4615013, but those ones under wing ears that are literally just wings are probably best put under head wings.
For those three examples, I'd go wings, wings, ears. I'd say Jibril, who makes up about 2/3rds of the tag and is the origin of it (yay fanon tag), is almost entirely bird ears. Hence the proposed idea of aliasing later.
Yea, if it looks like wings and its conceivable that she also has an ear under her hair, as in post #5149700 and post #5191259 its head wings.
Okay, one more question. Just ran into post #4586637, where her wing ears are butterfly wing ears. What do we do for this one?
Okay, I've gone through and tagged all the wing ears posts with also either head wings or bird ears, except for:
What now?