post #9000000 GET!

Important site changes

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StanDanDeliver said:

Why would you spend money for a feature that’s pretty common on the vast majority of websites with a search bar?

Those websites are also ad-infested hellholes that constantly shove dick growth pills in your face and refuse to work if you enable adblock.

StanDanDeliver said:

Why would you spend money for a feature that’s pretty common on the vast majority of websites with a search bar?

Slowly contribute to the site. My goal creating this account and being active was getting promoted to builder just so I could garden stuff I like with unlimited tag searches without spending.

CmdrWelkinGunther said:

So did this all cause @MD_Anonymous to lose his mind?

That’s the account for anonymous commenters. For April fools, anonymous commenting was enabled for a day. All the trash posted as “MD_Anonymous” exemplifies why anonymous commenting has been forbidden for several years now.

kittey said:

That’s the account for anonymous commenters. For April fools, anonymous commenting was enabled for a day. All the trash posted as “MD_Anonymous” exemplifies why anonymous commenting has been forbidden for several years now.

Oh, thanks for the info. I didn't realize any of that was actually enabled.

For those wishing the tag limit wasn’t removed, I suggest you go to Gelbooru. They don’t charge for a common feature or add it as a joke during April fools.

I don’t know what nonamethanks is talking about, but the vast majority of websites I’ve visited with unlimited tags and ads work fine. Whatever ads they show aren't “dick growth pills” but are usually links to different artists websites.

Trying browsing Gelbooru or Sankaku with adblock off sometime to see what kind of ads it takes to support a site like this. You get multiple autoplaying porn videos per page. On Sankaku you get porn popups when you click on a post.

Just use adblock? Yeah, that's why Gelbooru has a big banner on their frontpage right now saying 80% of their users use adblock and begging for donations, because ads aren't enough. That's why they charge $12 per year to remove ads (up from the $10/year it used to be). That's why Sankaku charges $10 per month for their premium account option. The reality is that the ad market is dying, and most sites are moving towards ads AND monthly subscriptions. Meanwhile Danbooru is ad free for everyone, and $20 for life if you choose to support the site. I don't think this is a bad deal compared to what other sites are doing.

draonclaw said:

Gelbooru isn't as fleshed out with content as Danbooru is. Sankaku is though.

Both Gelbooru and Sankaku just mass import posts from Danbooru, and neither have any quality control. Sankaku also mass imports from other sources which is why they have 30 million posts (half of which are untagged, so tag limit doesn't even matter!).

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