
nuke pixiv_sketch, drawr

Posted under Tags

pantsukiller said:

Maybe drawr_(medium) as metatag is an option.

While that is an option, you'd then have to figure out a process in identifying what posts were made with Drawr and which weren't (same with pixiv Sketch). And while for some it'll be very obvious, given how there are numerous videos on YouTube where people make photorealistic art using fucking MS Paint, there will eventually be a point where you cannot figure it out what is a sketch made using Drawr and what is just uploaded from off-site. Also, Pixiv allowed Drawr posts to be migrated to pixiv Sketch, and I don't know if there's anything that distinguishes them post-migration.

Also, the drawr tag wasn't universally applied to all drawr-sourced posts.

Post count for bad_drawr_id -drawr: 376

And who knows how many reposts we have from other websites that either mentioned drawr and the uploader chose not to tag, or didn't mention drawr at all.
