BUR #9571 has been rejected.
rename archer-tan -> archer_(type-moon_ace_vol._5)_(fate)
create implication archer_(type-moon_ace_vol._5)_(fate) -> archer_(fate)
rename lancer-tan -> cu_chulainn_(type-moon_ace_vol._5)_(fate)
create implication cu_chulainn_(type-moon_ace_vol._5)_(fate) -> cu_chulainn_(fate)
create implication mini_cu-chan_(fate) -> cu_chulainn_(fate)
For Mini Cu-chan, I'm trying to clean it up so that he and Cu Alter are treated with a flat hierarchy rather than a nested one as it seems to be happening right now. The Mini Cu -> Cu implication doesn't exist yet, so I think that needs to be done.
Not 100% positive on Lancer-tan and Archer-tan though. I don't even know if that's what they're supposed to be called. They originate from the TYPE-MOON Ace vol. 5, also in a pool, and have no actual names given to them in the official art. The only Pixiv tags I found for them were ロリ弓 and ロリ槍, so I'm guessing the existing tags are legacy tags that need to be updated.