Valiran9 said:
You know, I really wish you were actually implementing something like this so posts like this creepy Sylveon pic I submitted didn’t get lost in the mod queue.
You can always appeal something.
Posted under General
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Valiran9 said:
You know, I really wish you were actually implementing something like this so posts like this creepy Sylveon pic I submitted didn’t get lost in the mod queue.
You can always appeal something.
GadaffiChungus said:
how do I hide seeing upvotes?
Click the three dots in the top right of the posts gallery and then "hide scores".
Valiran9 said:
You know, I really wish you were actually implementing something like this so posts like this creepy Sylveon pic I submitted didn’t get lost in the mod queue.
You can send evazion or Hillside Moose a DMail to replace the mod approval process with the mod deletion system as a suggestion, no harm though if either of them reject your suggestion but it's worth the try. Just only one thing, don't oversend the same or similar DMails to them or they'll swing the ban hammer on you.
Durpala said:
This is not going to end well. They are forgetting the reason moderators and approvers exist in the first place, to maintain a quality standard on the site.
If I wanted to post without limits, I would go to Gelbooru. With so many self-uploads and bad anatomies floating around the internet, Danbooru put a balance filter to see art in a more relaxed way.
Today we are ending that.
I have the utmost faith in our users to only upload top-quality arts. It might seem weird now, but give it some time to settle in, and you'll see it all works out just fine.
Durpala said:
This is not going to end well. They are forgetting the reason moderators and approvers exist in the first place, to maintain a quality standard on the site.
If I wanted to post without limits, I would go to Gelbooru. With so many self-uploads and bad anatomies floating around the internet, Danbooru put a balance filter to see art in a more relaxed way.
Today we are ending that.
As a moderator of Gelbooru, I wholeheartedly agree. I absolutely do not want to see an influx of self-righteous Danbooru users with a superiority complex flooding to our website because evazion decided to be "funny". Honestly, I don't even get the joke. Trying to copy us just to steal our userbase? Yeah, real funny. We'll see who's laughing in ten years. This move really shows the mindset of the average Danbooru contributor - only existing to steal the spotlight off of artists and other boorus while thumbing their noses up at everyone else. I haven't seen a group this bad since I visited 4chan that one time; I'm honestly surprised you lot aren't saying "kys" or calling me a faggot too. I suppose that part comes with time, but I don't think I'll be spending much more time here at all.
I've tried to be nice on the forums here, but this really is the last straw. You can say goodbye to any collaborations we might have had in store now, and remember it's all YOUR fault. We are NOT to blame for this. Next time you swing at us, just remember how many more users we have. We will dominate you in every possible way and it won't even be close to a struggle. You have been warned.