BUR #8886 has been rejected.
create alias pile_of_books -> book_stack
Older tag, has wiki, same meaning.
Posted under Tags
BUR #8886 has been rejected.
create alias pile_of_books -> book_stack
Older tag, has wiki, same meaning.
A pile is not the same as a stack, and there are plenty of examples of piles of books that definitely aren't stacks of books (post #4927550)
I thought we already had a discussion on this exact thing, but I didn't find one. Guess I was thinking of something else. Pile of books should just be cleaned up.
I would also suggest though possibly renaming Pile of books to book pile, for consistency.
An implication the other way around would probably make more sense, as not every pile is a stack.
But not every stack is a pile, either. If the book stack is fairly neat/orderly and straight in a bookshelf or on a desk (rather than stacked haphazardly), it's not really a pile.
It should be left as it is. Some book stacks should be tagged as piles, but not all. And not every book pile (heap) is stacked.
The bulk update request #8886 (forum #205624) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.