BUR #8747 has been rejected.
create alias magicians_(zhkahogigzkh) -> magicians
Artist's name is Magicians.
Posted under Tags
BUR #8747 has been rejected.
create alias magicians_(zhkahogigzkh) -> magicians
Artist's name is Magicians.
topic #7713 exists for any aliases/renames involving artist tags. Besides, I feel like the qualifier at the end is useful to help disambiguate from magician.
The bulk update request #8747 (forum #204885) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.
BUR #9178 has been rejected.
create implication official_alternate_costume -> alternate_costume
I think it would be quite useful
I don't know why you posted that in this thread, but they're intentionally separated. There've been many forum topics about these tags already. This exact implication failed previously in topic #17247.
Talulah said:
I don't know why you posted that in this thread, but they're intentionally separated. There've been many forum topics about these tags already. This exact implication failed previously in topic #17247.
I just clicked the "Request alias/implication" button and for some strange reason it posted here.
The bulk update request #9178 (forum #207176) has been rejected by @evazion.