
Western/Highly Stylized Tag?

Posted under General

Below are some examples of what might cover this tag. Essentially, it is any work stylized outside of the traditional anime look.

The best way to populate this would be to link certain artists to this tag, so that all of their work automatically gains it.

This has already been discussed many times. In short, the line is extremely blurry. What counts as western, exactly? Using your own example, what part of post #3707139 makes it look "western"? Is it the facial features, the shading, or anything else?
Better yet, what is the "traditional anime look"? Is it 1990s_(style)? Can berserk be considered western?
There is a myriad of different artstyles, which influence eachother throughout the years. You can't categorize every one of them as simply "western" or "eastern".
Regarding the second point, the same artist can have different artstyles (eg. post #4312788 and post #4967669), it wouldn't work.

I agree with UH; this is far too vague and subjective to be of any use as a tag. But even if that weren't the case, making artist tags implicate a style tag is completely out of the question. All it would take is for an artist to experiment with a new style just one time, and the whole scheme falls apart. There are well-founded reasons why we don't create implications from artist/copyright/character tags to general tags.

iridescent_slime said:

I agree with UH; this is far too vague and subjective to be of any use as a tag. But even if that weren't the case, making artist tags implicate a style tag is completely out of the question. All it would take is for an artist to experiment with a new style just one time, and the whole scheme falls apart. There are well-founded reasons why we don't create implications from artist/copyright/character tags to general tags.

Even better, cross-category implications can't even be submitted through a BUR even if you wanted to, it throws you an error.