post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

This topic has been locked.


  • All users can now favorite an unlimited number of posts. Formerly the limit was 10k favorites for regular members, 20k for Gold, and unlimited for Platinum.
  • There's been some improvements serverside on how favorites are stored, so profiles with a large amount of favorites should load much faster now.
  • Added a duration metatag: animated duration:>60
  • Added order:duration
  • tags matching *_(meme) will now autoadd the meme tag
  • The data-pools parameter has been removed from thumbnails. This will break CSS that gave posts in pools a different border color, though it was already broken because it included deleted and collection pools.
Api Changes
Misc Changes
  • The favorites table has been added to the official bigquery export

Full changelog:



  • Added a length indicator in the thumbnails of animated pictures and videos
  • Added support for OR, NOT and quoted phrases in all text search fields using the *_matches parameter (like wikis, notes and forum posts)
  • Some expensive searches like 1girl -solo or loli rating:s that used to always timeout should now perform much better

Full changelog:



Api Changes
  • Using the "expires_in" parameter without time units (600 instead of 600s) is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

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  • Changed the rules for automatic alias and implication retirement:
    • aliases will now be retired only for tags that are empty, or that are for a general or artist tag that hasn't received any new posts in the last two years.
    • implications will now be retired only from tags that are empty.
    • aliases or implications for character, copyright, or meta tags won't be retired any more, unless the tags are empty.
  • Fixed a bug that corrupted certain uploads, making it impossible to retry them
  • Fixed some videos having an incorrect duration shown

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  • Major changes to the voting system, see topic #19990 for a detailed explanation.
    • All users can now vote.
    • Added a "..." menu in the top right with the option to "Show scores", that displays vote buttons on thumbnails.
    • The downvote/upvote mode in the sidebar was removed in favor of the above menu.
    • Upvotes are now public by default.
    • Public favorites are now visible to everyone (previously only gold and above could see them).
    • The upvote and favorite count in a post's sidebar can be hovered to show everyone who upvoted or favorited a post. Downvoters are still only visible to admins.
      • Old posts will have an incomplete amount of upvoters displayed because up until September 2019 votes were automatically pruned two weeks after being cast.
    • Making your favorites, favorite groups and upvotes private is now a Gold-only feature. This is to prevent abuse. Member users with private favorites or favorite groups will retain the feature until they make them public, at which point they will have to upgrade to a Gold account to turn them back to private.
    • Banned and Restricted users can no longer favorite or vote on posts.
  • Fixed Foundation commentaries rendering non-ascii characters as mojibake.

Full changelog:



  • On mobile, thumbnails are now two posts per row instead of three.
  • On mobile, thumbnails are now full size (same size as desktop) instead of cropped to square size.
  • On desktop, thumbnail layout has been adjusted slightly. You may notice more thumbnails per row, depending on your screen size.
  • Post tooltips are taller and narrower.
  • Changed the order:random metatag to return the entire search in random order. Example: animated order:random. For small tags, this will be faster and have better randomness than before, but for very large tags, this may be slower and possibly will time out.
  • Added the random:20 metatag. This will return 20 random posts. This is what order:random used to do. For large tags, random:20 will be faster than order:random, but for small tags, it may return biased or incomplete results.
  • Fixed bug with thumbnails and samples having incorrect colors in some cases.
  • Fixed bug with not being able to fetch commentaries from
  • Fixed bug with user profiles showing incorrect vote counts.
API Changes

Full changelog:


  • Increased the default thumbnail size.
  • Added a "Size" menu that lets you change the size of thumbnails.
  • Increased thumbnail quality on high DPI screens, such as phones and laptops. High quality thumbnails will use more bandwidth. You can go back to low quality thumbnails by enabling "Data saver" mode on Android or Lite mode on Chrome.
  • Thumbnails are now bottom-aligned instead of top-aligned.
  • The "Show scores" setting is now persistent.
  • Removed the ability for moderators to lock the category of tags.
  • Reduced the width of the sidebar slightly on tablets/laptops.
  • Fixed similar images showing a filesize of "150 Bytes".
  • Fixed the related tags section being hidden when collapsed.
API Changes
  • Changed thumbnail HTML.
  • Added a rate limit of 1 request per minute to the /explore/posts/popular.json endpoint. This kicks in after 50 requests.
  • Added a rate limit of 1 request every 2 seconds to the /posts.atom RSS feed endpoint. This kicks in after 50 requests.

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  • Added a "..." menu to forum posts, just like comments, including the ability to copy a dtext link
  • Changed the css attribute data-creator to data-creator-id in forum posts
  • Added various css attributes to forum posts
  • Added blacklist control to /comments and /post_votes
  • non-web_source is now autotagged
  • Fixed Skeb bookmarklet not working with animated posts and getting the translated commentary instead of the original
  • Fixed disapproval messages appearing in reverse order
  • Fixed some posts having incorrect tag category counts
  • DanbooruBot should not retire empty banned_artist implications anymore

Full changelog:




Reworked the upload process. Major changes:

  • You have to select the file or source before you can start tagging the image.
  • The upload page will show the image you're uploading and will check for dupes and similar images, even when not using the bookmarklet. Before this only worked with the bookmarklet.
  • You can save images for upload later. As soon as you select the file or source on the upload page, the file will be saved to Danbooru. You can then close the tab and find and resume the upload later on your My Uploads page.
  • Your uploads will be visible to everyone on the All Uploads page. Your name won't be visible to others, but others can still see the files you upload. Take care not to upload personal files.

Other changes:

  • You can press Ctrl+V on the upload page to immediately upload an URL.
  • If you try to upload a duplicate of an image already on Danbooru, you will be immediately redirected to the post, before you start tagging the upload.
  • If you are sniped while on the upload page, you tags will automatically be merged into the other post, and you'll be redirected to that post.
  • The upload page now shows previews for videos and ugoiras too.
  • The artist tag is now automatically added to the tag box.
  • Better error messages when you try to upload a bad file or source.
  • If you're upload limited, you can still save files for upload later.
  • Fixed flash posts not working.
  • Fixed various "md5 confirmation doesn't match" and "no route matches, possible unmatched constraints" and "access denied" errors on uploads.
  • Fixed the filesize of the image not always appearing on the upload page.
API Changes
  • The process for uploading posts has changed. Basically, you call POST /uploads.json to create an upload object, then you poll GET /uploads/$id.json to wait until the upload completes or fails, then you call POST /posts.json to create a post from the upload.

Full changelog:

Updated by nonamethanks


  • Made uploads faster.
  • Uploads: fixed IQDB not working.
  • Uploads: fixed "Access Denied" errors on the "My Uploads" page caused by uploading the same file as someone else.
  • Uploads: fixed the back button taking you back to the new upload page instead of back to the source when using the bookmarklet.
  • Uploads: added a space after the artist tag.
  • Forum: fixed the "Post reply" link scrolling to the top of the page.

Full changelog:

Updated by nonamethanks


  • Fixed an exploitable bug where private user information, such as IP or email addresses, could be leaked on the error page if there was an unexpected server error. One such case was if you tried to create an invalid moderation report. After reviewing the server logs, there is no indication this bug was actually exploited or any actual user information was exposed, and the bug was fixed within about 4 hours of being reported.
  • Uploads: fixed the back button not taking you back to the new upload page when not using the bookmarklet.
  • Fixed Lofter not working with IQDB.
API Changes
  • JSON error responses now contain a `message` field. The `message` field will be blank for unexpected errors.
  • XML error responses have a new format. This is a breaking change. They now look like this:
  <success type="boolean">false</success>
  <message>You cannot go beyond page 5000.</message>
  <backtrace type="array">
    <backtrace>app/logical/pagination_extension.rb:54:in `paginate'</backtrace>
    <backtrace>app/models/application_record.rb:17:in `paginate'</backtrace>
    <backtrace>app/logical/post_query_builder.rb:529:in `paginated_posts'</backtrace>
    <backtrace>app/logical/post_sets/post.rb:95:in `posts'</backtrace>
    <backtrace>app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:22:in `index'</backtrace>

instead of like this:

<result success="false">You cannot go beyond page 5000.</result>

Full changelog:

Updated by nonamethanks




  • You can now upload multiple files from your computer at once. There is a limit of 100 files per upload totaling 50MB in size.
  • If you upload a file from your computer, the filename will be saved and set as the post source.
  • The upload page now automatically detects when a source contains multiple images. For example, if you upload a Pixiv or Twitter post that contains multiple images, then you will be taken to a page showing each image and letting you choose which to post. This is a replacement for the batch upload page. To be clear: you can use the regular upload page on everything now. You don't need to use the batch bookmarklet. The batch upload page and batch bookmarklet will be removed soon.
  • Uploads on the My Uploads page can contain multiple images now. If you upload multiple files from your computer at once, or a source that contains multiple images, then the images will be grouped together under the same upload. An "upload" now means "a group of one or more files uploaded at the same time".

On the My Uploads and All Uploads pages:

  • You can filter by images that have been posted or not posted yet.
  • You can change the thumbnail size.
  • The posts-per-page account setting is now used, meaning you can have more than 20 images per page.
API Changes
  • To upload a file from your computer, you now need to send upload[files][] instead of upload[file] to the POST /uploads endpoint. You can specify this param multiple times to upload multiple files.

Full changelog:

Updated by nonamethanks



Added new rules for usernames:

  • Names can only contain basic letters, numbers, underscores ('_'), periods ('.'), and dashes ('-').
  • Names must be less than 25 characters long.
  • Names can't start or end with punctuation.
  • Names can't contain multiple underscores in a row.
  • Names can't be the same format as a deleted user (e.g. an active user can't have a name like "user_12345").
  • Names with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters are currently still allowed, but this will likely be disallowed in the future.

If your current name doesn't follow these rules, you will be prompted to change it. If your name is obnoxious or abusive and you don't voluntarily change it, you may be banned.

Full changelog:

Updated by nonamethanks

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