post #9000000 GET!

Fate/Grand Order Craft Essence/Alt. Costume -> Character renames

Posted under Tags

BUR #8606 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create alias aerial_drive -> char:martha_(aerial_drive)_(fate)
create alias afternoon_party -> char:olga_marie_animusphere_(afternoon_party)
create alias battle_olympia -> char:nero_claudius_(battle_olympia)_(fate)
create alias bella_lisa -> char:leonardo_da_vinci_(bella_lisa)_(fate)
create alias belle_of_society -> char:medusa_(belle_of_society)_(fate)
create alias chainsaw_of_the_dead -> char:qin_liangyu_(chainsaw_of_the_dead)_(fate)
create alias cheer_for_master -> char:brynhildr_(cheer_for_master)_(fate)
create alias cherry_icicle -> char:parvati_(cherry_icicle)_(fate)
create alias choco_angel -> char:illyasviel_von_einzbern_(choco_angel)
create alias count_romani_archaman's_hospitality -> char:romani_archaman_(count_romani_archaman's_hospitality)
create alias dive_to_blue -> char:mash_kyrielight_(dive_to_blue)
create alias divine_princess_of_the_storm -> char:florence_nightingale_(divine_princess_of_the_storm)_(fate)
create alias dollar-cent_shop -> char:queen_of_sheba_(dollar-cent_shop)_(fate)
create alias formalcraft -> tohsaka_rin_(formalcraft)
create alias from_uruk -> char:siduri_(from_uruk)_(fate)
create alias gilgamesh_in_ny -> char:gilgamesh_(gilgamesh_in_ny)_(fate)
create alias golden_prairie -> char:medusa_(golden_prairie)_(fate)
create alias gudaguda_poster_girl -> char:medusa_(gudaguda_poster_girl)_(fate)
create alias halloween_petite_devil_(fate/grand_order) -> char:illyasviel_von_einzbern_(halloween_petite_devil)
create alias halloween_princess_(fate/grand_order) -> char:irisviel_von_einzbern_(halloween_princess)
create alias happy_drive -> char:sei_shounagon_(happy_drive)_(fate)
create alias heavenly_demon_princess -> char:suzuka_gozen_(heavenly_demon_princess)_(fate)
create alias hero_on_the_beach -> char:arthur_pendragon_(hero_on_the_beach)_(fate)
create alias honey_lake -> char:yang_guifei_(honey_lake)_(fate)
create alias imaginary_around -> matou_sakura_(imaginary_around)
create alias knowing_the_way_broadly -> char:miyamoto_musashi_(knowing_the_way_broadly)_(fate)
create alias mata_hari's_tavern -> char:mata_hari_(mata_hari's_tavern)_(fate)
create alias merely_red -> char:tomoe_gozen_(merely_red)_(fate)
create alias merry_sheep -> char:hassan_of_serenity_(merry_sheep)_(fate)
create alias midnight_tension -> char:charlotte_corday_(midnight_tension)_(fate)
create alias mona_lisa_(fate/grand_order) -> char:leonardo_da_vinci_(mona_lisa)_(fate)
create alias ortenaus -> char:mash_kyrielight_(ortenaus)
create alias ox-demon_king -> char:artoria_pendragon_(lancer_alter)_(ox-demon_king)_(fate)
create alias painting_summer -> char:katsushika_hokusai_(painting_summer)_(fate)
create alias pirates_party! -> char:francis_drake_(pirates_party!)_(fate)
create alias pumpkin_princess -> char:mordred_(pumpkin_princess)_(fate)
create alias purple_eye_(fate/grand_order) -> char:murasaki_shikibu_(purple_eye)_(fate)
create alias queen's_dream -> char:lakshmibai_(queen's_dream)_(fate)
create alias return_match -> char:nero_claudius_(return_match)_(fate)
create alias shining_goddess -> char:boudica_(shining_goddess)_(fate)
create alias shining_skyscrapers -> char:penthesilea_(shining_skyscrapers)_(fate)
create alias shvibzik_snow -> char:anastasia_(shvibzik_snow)_(fate)
create alias spring_beauty_(fate) -> char:qin_liangyu_(spring_beauty)_(fate)
create alias summertime_mistress_(fate/grand_order) -> char:carmilla_(summertime_mistress)_(fate)
create alias sweet_crystal -> char:altera_(sweet_crystal)_(fate)
create alias true_crimson_spear_trainer -> char:scathach_(true_crimson_spear_trainer)_(fate)
create alias true_samadhi_fire -> char:mordred_(true_samadhi_fire)_(fate)
create alias twilight_memory -> char:atalanta_(twilight_memory)_(fate)
create alias welcome_bunny_(fate/grand_order) -> char:bradamante_(welcome_bunny)_(fate)

Tackling the renames for Craft Essences featuring a single character. As far as multiple characters in a CE are concerned, I can garden those manually.

The only CEs I have ignored are elixir of love (fate) and projection magecraft (fate/grand_order) since those refer to in-universe concepts rather than characters.

I also left Wicked Dragon Witch Ver. Shinjuku 1999 alone because I don't want to disturb the hornet's nest that is the Saberface debate.

Astolfo said:

These will need skin -> character implications also (either in the same BUR or after the BUR)

One thing at a time, mate. I missed a bunch of other single-character CEs, then there's multi-character CEs, and the outfits for the two Ritsukas needing to be branched into chartags.

I feel like it'd just be easier to implicate these while in the process of turning them into chartags, rather than after having tackled all the CEs and having to double check what's what, but if that's how you prefer doing it then sure.

BUR #8648 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create implication bradamante_(welcome_bunny)_(fate) -> bradamante_(fate)
create implication atalanta_(twilight_memory)_(fate) -> atalanta_(fate)
create implication mordred_(true_samadhi_fire)_(fate) -> mordred_(fate)
create implication mordred_(pumpkin_princess)_(fate) -> mordred_(fate)
create implication scathach_(true_crimson_spear_trainer)_(fate) -> scathach_(fate)
create implication altera_(sweet_crystal)_(fate) -> altera_(fate)
create implication carmilla_(summertime_mistress)_(fate) -> carmilla_(fate)
create implication qin_liangyu_(spring_beauty)_(fate) -> qin_liangyu_(fate)
create implication qin_liangyu_(chainsaw_of_the_dead)_(fate) -> qin_liangyu_(fate)
create implication anastasia_(shvibzik_snow)_(fate) -> anastasia_(fate)
create implication penthesilea_(shining_skyscrapers)_(fate) -> penthesilea_(fate)
create implication boudica_(shining_goddess)_(fate) -> boudica_(fate)
create implication nero_claudius_(return_match)_(fate) -> nero_claudius_(fate)
create implication nero_claudius_(battle_olympia)_(fate) -> nero_claudius_(fate)
create implication lakshmibai_(queen's_dream)_(fate) -> lakshmibai_(fate)
create implication murasaki_shikibu_(purple_eye)_(fate) -> murasaki_shikibu_(fate)
create implication francis_drake_(pirates_party!)_(fate) -> francis_drake_(fate)
create implication katsushika_hokusai_(painting_summer)_(fate) -> katsushika_hokusai_(fate)
create implication artoria_pendragon_(lancer_alter)_(ox-demon_king)_(fate) -> artoria_pendragon_(fate)
create implication mash_kyrielight_(ortenaus) -> mash_kyrielight
create implication mash_kyrielight_(dive_to_blue) -> mash_kyrielight
create implication leonardo_da_vinci_(mona_lisa)_(fate) -> leonardo_da_vinci_(fate)
create implication leonardo_da_vinci_(bella_lisa)_(fate) -> leonardo_da_vinci_(fate)
create implication charlotte_corday_(midnight_tension)_(fate) -> charlotte_corday_(fate)
create implication hassan_of_serenity_(merry_sheep)_(fate) -> hassan_of_serenity_(fate)
create implication tomoe_gozen_(merely_red)_(fate) -> tomoe_gozen_(fate)
create implication mata_hari_(mata_hari's_tavern)_(fate) -> mata_hari_(fate)
create implication miyamoto_musashi_(knowing_the_way_broadly)_(fate) -> miyamoto_musashi_(fate)
create implication matou_sakura_(imaginary_around) -> matou_sakura
create implication yang_guifei_(honey_lake)_(fate) -> yang_guifei_(fate)
create implication arthur_pendragon_(hero_on_the_beach)_(fate) -> arthur_pendragon_(fate)
create implication suzuka_gozen_(heavenly_demon_princess)_(fate) -> suzuka_gozen_(fate)
create implication sei_shounagon_(happy_drive)_(fate) -> sei_shounagon_(fate)
create implication irisviel_von_einzbern_(halloween_princess) -> irisviel_von_einzbern
create implication illyasviel_von_einzbern_(halloween_petite_devil) -> illyasviel_von_einzbern
create implication illyasviel_von_einzbern_(choco_angel) -> illyasviel_von_einzbern
create implication medusa_(gudaguda_poster_girl)_(fate) -> medusa_(fate)
create implication medusa_(golden_prairie)_(fate) -> medusa_(fate)
create implication medusa_(belle_of_society)_(fate) -> medusa_(fate)
create implication gilgamesh_(gilgamesh_in_ny)_(fate) -> gilgamesh_(fate)
create implication siduri_(from_uruk)_(fate) -> siduri_(fate)
create implication tohsaka_rin_(formalcraft) -> tohsaka_rin
create implication queen_of_sheba_(dollar-cent_shop)_(fate) -> queen_of_sheba_(fate)
create implication florence_nightingale_(divine_princess_of_the_storm)_(fate) -> florence_nightingale_(fate)
create implication romani_archaman_(count_romani_archaman's_hospitality) -> romani_archaman
create implication parvati_(cherry_icicle)_(fate) -> parvati_(fate)
create implication brynhildr_(cheer_for_master)_(fate) -> brynhildr_(fate)
create implication olga_marie_animusphere_(afternoon_party) -> olga_marie_animusphere
create implication martha_(aerial_drive)_(fate) -> martha_(fate)

Implications for the above. I looked through the craft essence (fate) tag to look for more CEs that I missed in my earlier search. After drafting up more single character CE requests, I realized that doing all of them at once would have been a bit too much, so I'll keep this request to what was changed in the OP BUR. I have the remaining aliases/implications BUR on standby once this is done. Don't be shocked if there are any I may have missed, or there are future tags that can be made from existing posts - it was enough of a headache for me to find all of these.

On a different note, the multi-character CEs and costumes would need to be broken down into chartags (or some single-chara CEs that I can't be bothered to populate ATM). If anyone's curious about the CE tags I spotted, here's the list, along with some questions I have.

EDIT: God damn it, I forgot to include the costumes for the two Ritsukas in this list. I also left out wicked_dragon_witch_ver._shinjuku_1999 and jet_black_king_of_knights_ver._shinjuku_1999. Maybe those could be shortened to jeanne_d'arc_(alter)_(wicked_dragon_witch)_(fate) and saber_alter_(jet_black_king_of_knights)_(fate)? Or would the full names be preferred?

A Moment of Silence
All Night Fever
All Three Together
An Army Marches on its Stomach
Anniversary Heroines
Avalon Celebrate
Beautiful Dreamer (post #3555750)
Bestia Del Sol
Bitter Sweet (fate/grand order)
Cafe Camelot
Camelot Lesson (post #4521176)
Chaldea Beach Volleyball
Chaldea Kitchen Truck
Chaldea Lifesavers
Cheers to 2017
Chocolate Heaven (fate/grand order)
City Where Dreams Are Born
Cook Heart (fate)
Curry x Rice
Dear Friend (fate/grand order)
Detective Edmond ~Foreign Nation Infiltration Arc~
Detective Edmond ~Spring Equinox Travelogue~
Detective Edmond ~True Mastermind Arc~
Dress For Demons
Emerald Float (the chartags exist, but this tag still needs cleaning up and the wiki deleted since the Pixiv tag still references it)
Escape From the Pyramid
First Valentine
Flower Sunshine
From Wonderland
Frozen War-Bear
Golden Wings (fate/grand order)
Halloween Royalty
Hao Chi? (post #4434393, or should this be called 'Yummy?')
Hell's Kitchen (fate/grand order)
Heroic Spirit Tour Outfit
Irohanihoheto (fate)
Joint Recital
Junk Shop (fate/grand order)
King Joker Jack
Kitchen Patissiere
Knights of Marines
Knit the Love
Ladies & Gentlemen (fate/grand order)
Like a Lady (post #4966337)
Lostroom Outfit (fate)
March of the Saints (fate)
Memory of Qualia
Midsummer Memories
Miss Sailor in White Uniform
Muscle Cavalier (fate/grand order)
Mystery Treasure
New Beginning (fate)
One Summer (fate) (not sure if this one is worth keeping since I can't find any other images of Sakura in this particular swimsuit)
Operation Fionna
Outrage (fate/grand order)
Pinky Beach (post #4761597)
Phantom Night (fate/grand order)
Planet Rock
Quatre Feuilles
Red Box (fate/grand order)
Ring the Bell
Seaside Luxury
Show Time
Sign of Smiling Face
Starlight Fest (post #3647729)
Storms and Waves
Street Choco-Maid (their outfits are 99% similar, but I noticed that the heart hat ornament in Rin's top hat is red with a white bow, while Sakura's is pink with a red bow)
Sugar Vacation
Summer Anniversary (post #4699835)
Summer Enma-tei
Summer Little
Talk of the Hot Sands
The Three Great Heroes
The Unmanipulatable Ones
Therapeutic Spa (post #3765600 - yes, it's just them in towels, but Medusa Lancer's alternate hairstyle is present in a couple of images)
Three Angler
Twin Star Divas
Twinkle Star (fate/grand order)
Under the Same Sky
Valkyrie Style
Versus (fate)
Walk in the Park (post #3597635)
Water Shine
Welcome Diner
Welcome to the Travelling Circus!
White Cruising
Wizard & Priest
Zen Miniature Garden
post #4192188 (Halloween Horror Party, apparently an unofficial CE that ReDrop drew. I don't know if it was used in the game)
post #3254593 (do we want to treat this as an official adapted costume? I also spotted post #2524922 as a potential addition to such a tag)
post #3107186 (same question with this one, but it's more along the line of turning an official alternate costume from Fate/Apocrypha into a chartag like what was done with Astolfo (Memories at Trifas) (fate))
post #4688926 (can't read the kanji for these ones)
post #4599033
post #4313705
post #3647394


Benit149 said:

BUR #8648 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create implication bradamante_(welcome_bunny)_(fate) -> bradamante_(fate)
create implication atalanta_(twilight_memory)_(fate) -> atalanta_(fate)
create implication mordred_(true_samadhi_fire)_(fate) -> mordred_(fate)
create implication mordred_(pumpkin_princess)_(fate) -> mordred_(fate)
create implication scathach_(true_crimson_spear_trainer)_(fate) -> scathach_(fate)
create implication altera_(sweet_crystal)_(fate) -> altera_(fate)
create implication carmilla_(summertime_mistress)_(fate) -> carmilla_(fate)
create implication qin_liangyu_(spring_beauty)_(fate) -> qin_liangyu_(fate)
create implication qin_liangyu_(chainsaw_of_the_dead)_(fate) -> qin_liangyu_(fate)
create implication anastasia_(shvibzik_snow)_(fate) -> anastasia_(fate)
create implication penthesilea_(shining_skyscrapers)_(fate) -> penthesilea_(fate)
create implication boudica_(shining_goddess)_(fate) -> boudica_(fate)
create implication nero_claudius_(return_match)_(fate) -> nero_claudius_(fate)
create implication nero_claudius_(battle_olympia)_(fate) -> nero_claudius_(fate)
create implication lakshmibai_(queen's_dream)_(fate) -> lakshmibai_(fate)
create implication murasaki_shikibu_(purple_eye)_(fate) -> murasaki_shikibu_(fate)
create implication francis_drake_(pirates_party!)_(fate) -> francis_drake_(fate)
create implication katsushika_hokusai_(painting_summer)_(fate) -> katsushika_hokusai_(fate)
create implication artoria_pendragon_(lancer_alter)_(ox-demon_king)_(fate) -> artoria_pendragon_(fate)
create implication mash_kyrielight_(ortenaus) -> mash_kyrielight
create implication mash_kyrielight_(dive_to_blue) -> mash_kyrielight
create implication leonardo_da_vinci_(mona_lisa)_(fate) -> leonardo_da_vinci_(fate)
create implication leonardo_da_vinci_(bella_lisa)_(fate) -> leonardo_da_vinci_(fate)
create implication charlotte_corday_(midnight_tension)_(fate) -> charlotte_corday_(fate)
create implication hassan_of_serenity_(merry_sheep)_(fate) -> hassan_of_serenity_(fate)
create implication tomoe_gozen_(merely_red)_(fate) -> tomoe_gozen_(fate)
create implication mata_hari_(mata_hari's_tavern)_(fate) -> mata_hari_(fate)
create implication miyamoto_musashi_(knowing_the_way_broadly)_(fate) -> miyamoto_musashi_(fate)
create implication matou_sakura_(imaginary_around) -> matou_sakura
create implication yang_guifei_(honey_lake)_(fate) -> yang_guifei_(fate)
create implication arthur_pendragon_(hero_on_the_beach)_(fate) -> arthur_pendragon_(fate)
create implication suzuka_gozen_(heavenly_demon_princess)_(fate) -> suzuka_gozen_(fate)
create implication sei_shounagon_(happy_drive)_(fate) -> sei_shounagon_(fate)
create implication irisviel_von_einzbern_(halloween_princess) -> irisviel_von_einzbern
create implication illyasviel_von_einzbern_(halloween_petite_devil) -> illyasviel_von_einzbern
create implication illyasviel_von_einzbern_(choco_angel) -> illyasviel_von_einzbern
create implication medusa_(gudaguda_poster_girl)_(fate) -> medusa_(fate)
create implication medusa_(golden_prairie)_(fate) -> medusa_(fate)
create implication medusa_(belle_of_society)_(fate) -> medusa_(fate)
create implication gilgamesh_(gilgamesh_in_ny)_(fate) -> gilgamesh_(fate)
create implication siduri_(from_uruk)_(fate) -> siduri_(fate)
create implication tohsaka_rin_(formalcraft) -> tohsaka_rin
create implication queen_of_sheba_(dollar-cent_shop)_(fate) -> queen_of_sheba_(fate)
create implication florence_nightingale_(divine_princess_of_the_storm)_(fate) -> florence_nightingale_(fate)
create implication romani_archaman_(count_romani_archaman's_hospitality) -> romani_archaman
create implication parvati_(cherry_icicle)_(fate) -> parvati_(fate)
create implication brynhildr_(cheer_for_master)_(fate) -> brynhildr_(fate)
create implication olga_marie_animusphere_(afternoon_party) -> olga_marie_animusphere
create implication martha_(aerial_drive)_(fate) -> martha_(fate)

There's a lot of nested implications in here that need to be fixed. The implications should be flat. See forum #183428.

Ultimately we'll end up having the same problem with a bunch of characters as we are currently trying to solve for Jeanne d'Arc (for ex. Bella Lisa not implying Rider da Vinci, or Lancer Alter ox-demon king not implying Lancer Alter, etc,) so.. I dunno. Are we going to end up with catch-alls for any one character that happens to have their variant shown in a different dress in a CE or some summer variant of a variant or such? Seems excessive I guess, especially shortly after working to remove catch-alls on most characters.

Well anyway, the BUR seems correct now for flat implications.