
baggy_clothes implications

Posted under Tags

nonamethanks said:

While we're in topic, what's the difference between these and puffy pants/puffy shorts? Should they be aliased together?

Puffy clothes tend to get larger down the leg and then tighten around the ankle (/end of the pants) (post #4556428), whereas baggy clothes are loose all along (post #4429404) and basically oversized pants. Though there is significant overlap because of how people use those terms in daily life, they should be considered different imo.

evazion said:

What's the difference between baggy clothes and oversized clothes and loose clothes? I don't like that we have three separate hierarchies for this.

Sorry to boost this dead thread, but I was about to create a new thread to ask this question and saw the same question here unanswered. The wiki pages aren't clear about the distinction between the tags, and I think baggy and loose are homonyms in reference to clothes.
For reference, oversized_clothes has >11k posts while baggy_clothes and loose_clothes both have >1k posts.