post #9000000 GET!

Qualifying western comics

Posted under Tags

BUR #8848 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename western_comics -> western_comics_(style)

The wiki for western_comics currently states the following:

Images in the style of traditional American/western comic books. (Not simply images featuring comic book characters.)

Despite this, the tag is largely flooded with images of DC and Marvel characters regardless of the art style, rather than posts that would actually fit what the tag is supposed to be for (such as post #3737658, post #4349282, and post #4937329). Adding a (style) qualifier will hopefully help stop the mistags - which is also why I'm renaming it, since an alias would just cause the same mistags to continue.

HeeroWingZero said:

Despite this, the tag is largely flooded with images of DC and Marvel characters regardless of the art style […]

In that case, the tag will need some cleaning after the rename goes through.