
meme is now autotagged

Posted under Tags

blindVigil said:

I don't think I agree with yukkuri shiteitte ne. The actual meme phrase itself hardly ever actually appears in yukkuri posts, and plenty of artists have used yukkuris as actual characters beyond just being a meme reference, example tani takeshi. We certainly don't need every yukkuri looking thing, which is what the tag is used for, flooding meme.

Agreed, it has evolved beyond a simple meme, it's better to tag the posts that fit meme rather than blanket them all with the tag.

blindVigil said:

I don't think I agree with yukkuri shiteitte ne. The actual meme phrase itself hardly ever actually appears in yukkuri posts, and plenty of artists have used yukkuris as actual characters beyond just being a meme reference, example tani takeshi. We certainly don't need every yukkuri looking thing, which is what the tag is used for, flooding meme.

This is exactly what I was afraid of when adding the autotagging memes feature. It's also why I was reluctant to approve manual implications for memes. It encourages people to make everything in existence imply the meme tag, whether it makes sense or not.

People want the meme tag to be some sort of umbrella tag for obscure or recently trending memes that they may not know the name of yet. The problem is we can't predict the future and we don't know when something will transcend from a one-off joke to some pervasive part of the subculture. If we were doing this 13 years ago, when yukkuri shiteitte ne was first becoming a thing (see post #209723), we certainly would have tagged it as a meme. Then we would be in a mess today when half the meme tag is just yukkuri posts. I'm afraid of that happening with other memes.

evazion said:

This is exactly what I was afraid of when adding the autotagging memes feature. It's also why I was reluctant to approve manual implications for memes. It encourages people to make everything in existence imply the meme tag, whether it makes sense or not.

People want the meme tag to be some sort of umbrella tag for obscure or recently trending memes that they may not know the name of yet. The problem is we can't predict the future and we don't know when something will transcend from a one-off joke to some pervasive part of the subculture. If we were doing this 13 years ago, when yukkuri shiteitte ne was first becoming a thing (see post #209723), we certainly would have tagged it as a meme. Then we would be in a mess today when half the meme tag is just yukkuri posts. I'm afraid of that happening with other memes.

Removed Yukkuri from aliasing.

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