Daily Report (2021-10-27)
Period: 2021-10-27T00:00:00.000Z - 2021-10-26T00:00:00.000Z
Orig Name | New Name | Change | Pages to update |
taste of a liar | taste of a liar (meme) | Alias | ( |
sawyer the cleaner | frederica sawyer | Alias | ( |
nekoarc | neco-arc | Alias | ( |
prince of wales (windsor sun) (azur lane) | prince of wales (sun shining upon windsor) (azur lane) | Alias | ( |
duke of york (carola of the eternal night) (azur lane) | duke of york (eternal night's carola) (azur lane) | Alias | ( |
attack_on_tomorrow | ashita_he_attack! (1) | Replace | ( |
mark_folks | rakkuguy (43) | Replace | R( |
For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search
For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename