
create implication pulled_by_another/lifted_by_another -> assisted_exposure

Posted under Tags

BUR #7724 has been rejected.

create implication pulled_by_another -> assisted_exposure
create implication lifted_by_another -> assisted_exposure

Couldn't find much discussion on this prior, so I'll go ahead and stir things up.

I feel like we could be more specific about these tags so that it's easier to understand the purpose of each one.
Tags like undressing another or clothes grab could be tags that are used in non-sexual ways, for example.

I also feel like the tags being named pulled by another, and lifted by another when they're suppose to just be used for clothes is a bit unintuitive, especially with a tag like pulling around.

I thought of asking them to be aliased to something like clothes pulled by another, but I'm not sure if others agree.
Feedbacks about all these ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks for the explanations. These really help clarify things when the wikis are very minimalistic.

nonamethanks said:

These are not assisted exposure.

Why are legs getting "exposed" from under clothing not that?
Regardless, these tags were not mentioned by the wiki. They should definitely be mentioned in all relevant wikis for clarity if that's how it's suppose to be used since some users could be unfamiliar with these tags like me.

iridescent_slime said:

I would only use assisted exposure for posts where intimate areas or underwear are being revealed. This implication seems like a bad idea in the case of posts like post #4223612 or post #4737354.

Sure would be great if the tag's wiki could be this specific and not basically just say

when a character's body is exposed

This implies the exposure of anything under clothes and is not clear at all.