
Alias pedobear -> kuma

Posted under Tags

nonamethanks said:

Nobody refers to pedobear as kuma. I don't even recall ever hearing kuma in the context of that meme in the last decade to be honest.

But also nobody in Japan refers to Kuma as Pedobear. People in the west often call Kuma Pedobear even when he's not depicted as a pedo because they only know him by that name. I don't think just because 4chan popularized Kuma as Pedobear in the west we should use that name as the main tag.
Since they are the same character I think aliasing as proposed is the best solution, people who know him as Pedobear will still find him but images without the pedo context aren't tagged Pedobear.

NNescio said:

+1 to nuking Kuma and turning it into a disambiguation page.

Would also suggest aliasing Kuma_(2ch) to Pedobear.

This is a distinctly bad idea as some of the posts under kuma refer to the meme of the bear "who gets hooked by trolling comments" without actually depicting the bear itself (e.g. post #1915585). I agree with Nameless Contributor here in that "Kuma" was the original name, and the western name doesn't make sense in most Japanese instances of the meme and casts them in a light they weren't intended to be viewed in.

If we do stick with having Kuma be the main tag, there are one of two approaches that could be taken.

1. rather than aliasing, we have Pedobear imply Kuma, and perhaps have Spurdo Sparde and Gondola also imply it, though those two are decently enough different from Kuma that that might be unnecessary
2. if we do stick with aliasing, someone should tag garden Pedobear as it is right now and add pedophile where appropriate, so that a kuma_(2ch) pedophile search can be added in the subsequent wiki to allow folks to explicitly find Pedobear (I'd suggest a similar search except with loli too, but that could have overlap with Kuma).

Jigsy said:

I was under the impression that pedobear was based on kuma and are two different characters entirely.

The problem is they are visually identical, so anything short of an alias would be up to the user's subjectivity to pick one vs the other.

I suppose we could go with an implication like Damian suggests, or just try to split the tag and apply Pedobear or Kuma_(2ch) based on context (which is close to what we're doing now). What happens if you just have the character appear without any apparent context that would serve to disambiguate though?

Jigsy said:

I was under the impression that pedobear was based on kuma and are two different characters entirely.

Arguably yes, but they otherwise look identically the same, as Shinji points out. Given the fact that we recently had another set of characters, Future Trunks and Present Trunks, aliased despite them being different characters, then logically the same applies here.

BUR #7660 has been rejected.

rename kuma -> kuma_(2ch)
create alias kuma_(2ch) -> pedobear

As much as I hate it, aliasing kuma to pedobear would probably be the right choice in that case. An implication wouldn't do, as there is no reason why for example post #170997 shouldn't show up for someone searching pedobear, regardless of knowing the distinction or not.

Edit: Changed BUR to include rename.


I don't actually think kuma is a good tag to have or to alias to something. It's a generic Japanese word that just means "bear", and it's a name shared by a number of other characters such as Bartholomew Kuma from One Piece, Kuma from Tekken and Kuma from Persona 4.

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