post #9000000 GET!

meme is now autotagged

Posted under Tags

"Rip and tear" is basically the tagline for the newest doom. It used to be a joke based on a comic, but it's official now, so there's many legitimate usages of the sentence. Praise the sun is just a a pose in-game, it's memed a lot but there's "normal" posts like post #4695801 containing it.

"meme" on danbooru usually refers to exploitables and template redraws. I'd hardly call something like the above a meme. The two tags are too broad for every example to be a meme.

nonamethanks said:

Not sure where the name "interview series" came from, I've always seen that scene referred to as "senpai's interview" or "YJSNPI interview, since that's the name of the guy.

The Other Name インタビューシリーズ literally says "Interview Series", and from what I've noticed, whenever the Japanese have larger memes, they'd occasionally label them as a 'series', especially if the meme is older and originates from Nico Nico Douga (ala Jaguarman Series).

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