post #9000000 GET!

nuking neckwear umbrella tags

Posted under Tags

BUR #7064 has been approved by @evazion.


remove alias gray_neckwear -> grey_neckwear
remove alias yellow_necktie -> yellow_neckwear
remove alias yellow_neckerchief -> yellow_neckwear
remove alias yellow_bowtie -> yellow_neckwear
remove alias yellow_ascot -> yellow_neckwear
remove alias white_necktie -> white_neckwear
remove alias white_neckerchief -> white_neckwear
remove alias white_bowtie -> white_neckwear
remove alias striped_necktie -> striped_neckwear
remove alias striped_neckerchief -> striped_neckwear
remove alias striped_bowtie -> striped_neckwear
remove alias red_necktie -> red_neckwear
remove alias red_neckerchief -> red_neckwear
remove alias red_bowtie -> red_neckwear
remove alias red_ascot -> red_neckwear
remove alias purple_necktie -> purple_neckwear
remove alias purple_bowtie -> purple_neckwear
remove alias print_bowtie -> print_neckwear
remove alias plaid_necktie -> plaid_neckwear
remove alias plaid_bowtie -> plaid_neckwear
remove alias pink_necktie -> pink_neckwear
remove alias pink_neckerchief -> pink_neckwear
remove alias pink_bowtie -> pink_neckwear
remove alias orange_necktie -> orange_neckwear
remove alias orange_neckerchief -> orange_neckwear
remove alias orange_bowtie -> orange_neckwear
remove alias orange_ascot -> orange_neckwear
remove alias grey_necktie -> grey_neckwear
remove alias grey_neckerchief -> grey_neckwear
remove alias green_necktie -> green_neckwear
remove alias green_neckerchief -> green_neckwear
remove alias green_bowtie -> green_neckwear
remove alias checkered_necktie -> checkered_neckwear
remove alias brown_necktie -> brown_neckwear
remove alias brown_bowtie -> brown_neckwear
remove alias blue_necktie -> blue_neckwear
remove alias blue_neckerchief -> blue_neckwear
remove alias blue_bowtie -> blue_neckwear
remove alias blue_ascot -> blue_neckwear
remove alias black_necktie -> black_neckwear
remove alias black_neckerchief -> black_neckwear
remove alias black_bowtie -> black_neckwear
remove alias aqua_necktie -> aqua_neckwear
remove alias aqua_neckerchief -> aqua_neckwear
remove alias aqua_bowtie -> aqua_neckwear
remove alias striped_tie -> striped_neckwear
create alias striped_tie -> striped_necktie

Unnecessary blanket tags. Better to keep these separate. They'll have to be backfilled from their respective _neckwear tags and then implied to their base tag.

Even though I was in favor of these tags back then, in restrospect I think it was a mistake to blanket merge them all together. It dilutes tagging and makes it hard to find specific things. What makes sense for eyewear does not necessarily work for neckwear or other types of *wear. We even had someone recently suggest generic topwear tags, which I think is a very bad slippery slope.

Now for some reason we even have a non-descript neckwear tag with 1.3k posts, because people have become too used to the generic thing.

As for reverting this change, it's fairly easy to revert the old BUR by checking the post versions, for example this for red_necktie -> red_neckwear. There's still 4 years of content to sort through but nothing that a mass update or two can't slim down significantly.

*_neckwear date:>2017-10-09 solo status:any has 120733 posts out of the 187000 under *_neckwear date:>2017-10-09 status:any, which leaves around 60k posts that aren't fixable by the first set of BURs.
Those can be slimmed further with targetted BURs: *_neckwear date:>2017-10-09 -solo necktie -neck_ribbon -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief status:any for example has 19505 posts.

So basically it's not an issue of whether it's feasible to undo it, it's just a matter of whether we want to.

I'm ambivalent about these, as I mostly dislike these umbrella garment tags, but they did/do have a purpose. If we do this, we should also really reexamine and plan to act similarly on the other umbrella tagsets too (footwear, legwear, eyewear, etc) for sanity and consistency.

Pros to reverting the umbrella tags: (approving this BUR):
  • On the tagging and data side, rolling back these aliases open us back up to allow for better granularity and more detail, which I really like.
  • We could once again discriminate images where tags "overlap" (e.g. a search for blue_necktie can now avoid a picture with both a red_necktie and a blue_bowtie).
  • Conceivably with knowledge of the current active tags and enough allowable query complexity you an replicate anything we have today with the umbrella tags as far as queries and searches go, and more-so, because we now have that better granularity again.
  • We stop the trend of more and more awkward, convoluted, and generic tags elsewhere e.g. undone_neckwear
Cons to reverting the umbrella tags:
  • We lose the ability to easily search by category: (sometimes neck_ribbons and bowties are close enough that you'd like to group them together).
  • It fragments things such that individual tags are now very specific and only return a smaller number of posts or each individual tag searched.
    • Maybe as a user I don't know exactly what an ascot is, but would like to find a character wearing one of a certain color.
  • It will add a ton more tags back to autocomplete (especially if we similarly undo this sort of change to other umbrella tagset categories). Now a "black_" prefix will have a dozen plus tags, and the one you need may get pushed out of what pops up without a longer prefix
  • We're going to have some inertial issues with taggers. They'll keep using *_neckwear out of habit, and we have no easy way to automate cleaning that up.
  • Taggers will also ideally need to know and use the most detailed tag available instead of being able to rely on a category. "I know it's red_neckwear, but what exactly is this?" sort of thing.
  • Even if the past BURs are undoable, there will still be a large amount of manual cleanup involved in undoing these to re-add specificity to posts created during the current system.
  • It might (arguably should) lead to us undoing other umbrella garment tags
The "right" way

I think the "right" way for us to be able to handle this would be to have some sort of richer tagging system that allows tags to apply to other tags, and "belong" to other tags. Basically turning things into a full-on ontology system like WordNet or the like. That is to say I could tag an image something like "necktie{red, loose}" (just making up syntax here) with the tag "necktie" belonging to "neckwear" belonging to "accessory" belonging to "clothing" (or however detailed we wanted to go.

With that sort of system:

  • My "necktie{red, loose}" tag could show up in a search for "necktie{red}", "neckwear{red, loose}", "accessory{red}", "necktie", "clothing{red}" etc. allowing your search to be as general or specific as you need it.
  • There would be no need for umbrella or combo tags to directly apply to a post and inflate the tags there. "red_neckwear", "neckwear", "accessory", "clothing" wouldn't need to be applied to any post directly, but we'd still have the benefit of them acting like combos and umbrellas
  • A "bowtie{red}" tag wouldn't pollute a search for "necktie{red}".
  • A "necktie{red}" and a "bowtie{red}" could be tagged alongside each other and be searched for specifically (which you can't do with the umbrella system).
  • we could conceivably go further and assign that "necktie{red}" to a character and say search for images of "midoriya_izuku{necktie{red}}" and get posts of just him wearing a red_necktie (not others doing so).
    • maybe "midoriya_izuku" belongs to "male", and then we can search for "male{necktie{red}}" and get all boys wearing red neckties

I'm not sure what that might look like exactly, or how or if it could be made to be performant and user friendly (probably a nightmare), but that's been a pipe dream of mine for Danbooru since fairly early days. It'd be a super complex complete overhaul of the core of Danbooru though, and not something that might happen in the forseeable future if ever.

That all said, I'm not sure how I fall with respect to the idea of us undoing this umbrella system now. I was the opposite of NNT, where I remember being mostly opposed to the umbrella tag paradigm when we decided to go that path, but now question whether or not if it's worth the work and trade-offs to undo it.


Shinjidude said:

Cons to reverting the umbrella tags:
  • We lose the ability to easily search by category: (sometimes neck_ribbons and bowties are close enough that you'd like to group them together).

We have wildcard searches, so *_ascot would let you search for the entire category.

  • It fragments things such that individual tags are now very specific and only return a smaller number of posts or each individual tag searched.

I don't see why this is necessarily a con; having smaller, more specific tags can make it easier to find what you want than having broad tags.

    • Maybe as a user I don't know exactly what an ascot is, but would like to find a character wearing one of a certain color.

If you don't know what it is you'd have to look through the entire neckwear tags to find one anyway. We could just as well have a list of neckwear meta-wiki that could help users find them.

  • It will add a ton more tags back to autocomplete (especially if we similarly undo this sort of change to other umbrella tagset categories). Now a "black_" prefix will have a dozen plus tags, and the one you need may get pushed out of what pops up without a longer prefix

This likely won't be much of a problem since it's unlikely any of the individual tags will be large enough to be at the top of `black_`, and you'll have to type a couple more characters anyway. It might mean certain autocompletes people have muscle memory for now will have to be re-learned, but I don't think it's the end of the world.

  • We're going to have some inertial issues with taggers. They'll keep using *_neckwear out of habit, and we have no easy way to automate cleaning that up.

This is an issue with essentially every major tag change. We'll just have to hope people will get used to the new changes, sending DMails as necessary. It's also not the end of the world since people can do cleanup of the *_neckwear tags on occasion—no information is lost there.

  • Taggers will also ideally need to know and use the most detailed tag available instead of being able to rely on a category. "I know it's red_neckwear, but what exactly is this?" sort of thing.

Also happens with current tags. There are plenty of types of clothing I and others likely do not know about. We have clothing request, we could keep current *_neckwear tags as sort of "tagme"s for neckwear, have a separate neckwear_request tag... there are options to deal with this as we have with other similar issues.

  • Even if the past BURs are undoable, there will still be a large amount of manual cleanup involved in undoing these to re-add specificity to posts created during the current system.
  • It might (arguably should) lead to us undoing other umbrella garment tags

The latter point is exactly why I started out with neckwear, since it will probably be the easiest to cleanup. No point in me writing up a dozen BURs if ultimately this is not a desirable change. Especially tags like *_legwear which have been around since 2011. With any major change, a lot of cleanup will have to be done, and this will happen over time. We can't expect taggers to have it taken care of overnight. The beginning of the cleanup is to remove the aliases and automatically undo what we can.

As for this "right" way—people have suggested it before. It'll likely never happen. It's a restructure of the core part of the site, it's just too much of an undertaking at this point. Of course, you'd have to ask evazion to be sure.

The "right" way

I think the "right" way for us to be able to handle this would be to have some sort of richer tagging system that allows tags to apply to other tags, and "belong" to other tags. Basically turning things into a full-on ontology system like WordNet or the like. That is to say I could tag an image something like "necktie{red, loose}" (just making up syntax here) with the tag "necktie" belonging to "neckwear" belonging to "accessory" belonging to "clothing" (or however detailed we wanted to go.

With that sort of system:

  • My "necktie{red, loose}" tag could show up in a search for "necktie{red}", "neckwear{red, loose}", "accessory{red}", "necktie", "clothing{red}" etc. allowing your search to be as general or specific as you need it.
  • There would be no need for umbrella or combo tags to directly apply to a post and inflate the tags there. "red_neckwear", "neckwear", "accessory", "clothing" wouldn't need to be applied to any post directly, but we'd still have the benefit of them acting like combos and umbrellas
  • A "bowtie{red}" tag wouldn't pollute a search for "necktie{red}".
  • A "necktie{red}" and a "bowtie{red}" could be tagged alongside each other and be searched for specifically (which you can't do with the umbrella system).
  • we could conceivably go further and assign that "necktie{red}" to a character and say search for images of "midoriya_izuku{necktie{red}}" and get posts of just him wearing a red_necktie (not others doing so).
    • maybe "midoriya_izuku" belongs to "male", and then we can search for "male{necktie{red}}" and get all boys wearing red neckties

I'm not sure what that might look like exactly, or how or if it could be made to be performant and user friendly (probably a nightmare), but that's been a pipe dream of mine for Danbooru since fairly early days. It'd be a super complex complete overhaul of the core of Danbooru though, and not something that might happen in the forseeable future if ever.

That all said, I'm not sure how I fall with respect to the idea of us undoing this umbrella system now. I was the opposite of NNT, where I remember being mostly opposed to the umbrella tag paradigm when we decided to go that path, but now question whether or not if it's worth the work and trade-offs to undo it.

as Shinji says, the problems faced when searching for multiple tags in the presence of images with multiple instances of characters, items, etc., is a fundamental drawback of the tagging system and affects everything, not just clothing,

using these granular attribute tags seems like a very crude solution, and i wouldn't want to sacrifice all the advantages of umbrella-tags for it.

Nameless_Contributor said:

Why not create implications to *_neckwear after removing the aliases? That way we can search for specific or unspecific colored neckwear and taggers who can't figure out what type of neckwear it is can still use the generic tag.

This is also a possibility, should we decide we want both the umbrella tags and the normal tags.

Shinjidude said:

Just to be clear, I'm very much not 100% against this BUR, I think there pros are substantial too. I'm just ambivalent and questioning if the effort required to revert will be in our best interests or not.

You could say this about virtually any large-scale improvements we want to make. It's kind of an annoying argument because putting things off because they're "too much effort" just means it'll be even worse to do in the future. The best time to start is now.

Thing is, most stuff under neckwears are visually very dissimilar.
And certain things aren't even counted as neckwear, despite them being neckwear, see choker.

Tags that have no visual common ground shouldn't really exist.

At some point we decided that neckwear color tags weren't worth having, but we didn't have the balls to actually nuke them, instead we just merged them into color_neckwear. This is the worst of all possible worlds. If you don't like these tags, then we didn't actually get rid of them, we just renamed them into something worse. And if you do like these tags, now you have to do cumbersome searches like black neckwear+necktie to find black neckties. Which nobody does, both because it's a hassle to actually type out, and because most people never think of it. It's not even an issue of tag limits or precision, it's that it doesn't even occur to people to search for combinations like that.

I think most of the time if we want to get rid of a set of color tags, we should just flat nuke them. This soft-nuking of color tags by aliasing them away into some overly-generic umbrella tag is usually a half-assed solution that makes no one happy. The tags still exist, so the people who wanted to nuke them are unhappy, but they're too impractical to use for searching purposes, so the people who wanted to keep them are unhappy.

BUR #7595 has been approved by @evazion.


mass update yellow_neckwear -yellow_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> yellow_necktie necktie solo
mass update white_neckwear -white_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> white_necktie necktie solo
mass update red_neckwear -red_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> red_necktie necktie solo
mass update purple_neckwear -purple_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> purple_necktie necktie solo
mass update pink_neckwear -pink_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> pink_necktie necktie solo
mass update orange_neckwear -orange_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> orange_necktie necktie solo
mass update grey_neckwear -grey_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> grey_necktie necktie solo
mass update green_neckwear -green_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> green_necktie necktie solo
mass update brown_neckwear -brown_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> brown_necktie necktie solo
mass update blue_neckwear -blue_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> blue_necktie necktie solo
mass update black_neckwear -black_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> black_necktie necktie solo
mass update striped_neckwear -striped_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> striped_necktie necktie solo
mass update checkered_neckwear -checkered_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> checkered_necktie necktie solo
mass update print_neckwear -print_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> print_necktie necktie solo
mass update plaid_neckwear -plaid_necktie necktie -ascot -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> plaid_necktie necktie solo
create implication yellow_necktie -> necktie
create implication white_necktie -> necktie
create implication red_necktie -> necktie
create implication purple_necktie -> necktie
create implication pink_necktie -> necktie
create implication orange_necktie -> necktie
create implication grey_necktie -> necktie
create implication green_necktie -> necktie
create implication brown_necktie -> necktie
create implication blue_necktie -> necktie
create implication black_necktie -> necktie
create implication striped_necktie -> necktie
create implication checkered_necktie -> necktie
create implication print_necktie -> necktie
create implication plaid_necktie -> necktie
mass update yellow_neckwear -yellow_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> yellow_ascot ascot solo
mass update white_neckwear -white_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> white_ascot ascot solo
mass update red_neckwear -red_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> red_ascot ascot solo
mass update purple_neckwear -purple_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> purple_ascot ascot solo
mass update pink_neckwear -pink_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> pink_ascot ascot solo
mass update orange_neckwear -orange_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> orange_ascot ascot solo
mass update grey_neckwear -grey_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> grey_ascot ascot solo
mass update green_neckwear -green_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> green_ascot ascot solo
mass update brown_neckwear -brown_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> brown_ascot ascot solo
mass update blue_neckwear -blue_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> blue_ascot ascot solo
mass update black_neckwear -black_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> black_ascot ascot solo
mass update striped_neckwear -striped_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> striped_ascot ascot solo
mass update checkered_neckwear -checkered_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> checkered_ascot ascot solo
mass update print_neckwear -print_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> print_ascot ascot solo
mass update plaid_neckwear -plaid_ascot ascot -necktie -bowtie -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> plaid_ascot ascot solo
create implication yellow_ascot -> ascot
create implication white_ascot -> ascot
create implication red_ascot -> ascot
create implication purple_ascot -> ascot
create implication pink_ascot -> ascot
create implication orange_ascot -> ascot
create implication grey_ascot -> ascot
create implication green_ascot -> ascot
create implication brown_ascot -> ascot
create implication blue_ascot -> ascot
create implication black_ascot -> ascot
create implication striped_ascot -> ascot
create implication checkered_ascot -> ascot
create implication print_ascot -> ascot
create implication plaid_ascot -> ascot

Ok, cleanup has started. Gonna submit these BURs in the meanwhile.

These need some gardening before they can go through, because there's a lot of untagged neckwear out there.


BUR #7596 has been approved by @evazion.


mass update yellow_neckwear -yellow_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo yellow_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update white_neckwear -white_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo white_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update red_neckwear -red_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo red_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update purple_neckwear -purple_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo purple_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update pink_neckwear -pink_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo pink_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update orange_neckwear -orange_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo orange_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update grey_neckwear -grey_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo grey_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update green_neckwear -green_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo green_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update brown_neckwear -brown_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo brown_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update blue_neckwear -blue_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo blue_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update black_neckwear -black_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo black_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update striped_neckwear -striped_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo striped_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update checkered_neckwear -checkered_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo checkered_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update print_neckwear -print_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo print_neckerchief neckerchief
mass update plaid_neckwear -plaid_neckerchief neckerchief -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neck_ribbon solo -> solo plaid_neckerchief neckerchief
create implication yellow_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication white_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication red_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication purple_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication pink_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication orange_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication grey_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication green_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication brown_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication blue_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication black_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication striped_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication checkered_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication print_neckerchief -> neckerchief
create implication plaid_neckerchief -> neckerchief
mass update yellow_neckwear -yellow_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo yellow_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update white_neckwear -white_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo white_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update red_neckwear -red_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo red_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update purple_neckwear -purple_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo purple_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update pink_neckwear -pink_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo pink_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update orange_neckwear -orange_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo orange_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update grey_neckwear -grey_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo grey_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update green_neckwear -green_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo green_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update brown_neckwear -brown_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo brown_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update blue_neckwear -blue_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo blue_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update black_neckwear -black_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo black_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update striped_neckwear -striped_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo striped_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update checkered_neckwear -checkered_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo checkered_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update print_neckwear -print_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo print_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update plaid_neckwear -plaid_ribbon neck_ribbon -necktie -bowtie -ascot -neckerchief solo -> solo plaid_ribbon neck_ribbon
mass update yellow_neckwear -yellow_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo yellow_bowtie bowtie
mass update white_neckwear -white_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo white_bowtie bowtie
mass update red_neckwear -red_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo red_bowtie bowtie
mass update purple_neckwear -purple_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo purple_bowtie bowtie
mass update pink_neckwear -pink_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo pink_bowtie bowtie
mass update orange_neckwear -orange_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo orange_bowtie bowtie
mass update grey_neckwear -grey_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo grey_bowtie bowtie
mass update green_neckwear -green_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo green_bowtie bowtie
mass update brown_neckwear -brown_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo brown_bowtie bowtie
mass update blue_neckwear -blue_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo blue_bowtie bowtie
mass update black_neckwear -black_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo black_bowtie bowtie
mass update striped_neckwear -striped_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo striped_bowtie bowtie
mass update checkered_neckwear -checkered_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo checkered_bowtie bowtie
mass update print_neckwear -print_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo print_bowtie bowtie
mass update plaid_neckwear -plaid_bowtie bowtie -necktie -ascot -neckerchief -neck_ribbon solo -> solo plaid_bowtie bowtie
create implication yellow_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication white_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication red_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication purple_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication pink_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication orange_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication grey_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication green_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication brown_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication blue_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication black_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication striped_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication checkered_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication print_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication plaid_bowtie -> bowtie
create implication yellow_bowtie -> yellow_bow
create implication white_bowtie -> white_bow
create implication red_bowtie -> red_bow
create implication purple_bowtie -> purple_bow
create implication pink_bowtie -> pink_bow
create implication orange_bowtie -> orange_bow
create implication grey_bowtie -> grey_bow
create implication green_bowtie -> green_bow
create implication brown_bowtie -> brown_bow
create implication blue_bowtie -> blue_bow
create implication black_bowtie -> black_bow
create implication striped_bowtie -> striped_bow
create implication checkered_bowtie -> checkered_bow
create implication print_bowtie -> print_bow
create implication plaid_bowtie -> plaid_bow

And part 2

I edited the above BURs to only apply to solo posts for now. I noticed that there's a lot of untagged bowties/neck ribbons in necktie posts, so while those non-solo posts will still be handled automatically I'll go through them with local scripts first so that I can look at them more closely.

I'll keep these two BURs up for a day or two to make sure there's no unforeseen issues before approving them.

In the meanwhile, the old aliases have been undone, so the various color tags are populated again with the posts they had 4 years ago. See red_necktie for example.

If someone wants to chip away at the mountain while the bulldozers are being prepped, *_neckwear -solo necktie -bowtie -neck_ribbon -ascot -neckerchief is an example of what I meant. You'll notice a lot of posts like post #4854393 that need to be fixed.

nonamethanks said:

BUR #7602 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias neckwear -> neckwear_request
create alias headwear -> headwear_request
category neckwear_request -> meta

This was suggested in the discord. These tags shouldn't exist, they mean nothing. This is a quick and easy way to move the problem somewhere else where it can be sorted out with calm.

I nuked the neckwear tag from several hundred solo images where the neckwear type was already tagged earlier, with the intention of turning the tag into something like this. I guess it's time to do the same with headwear

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