He accidentally the whole sentence.
Posted under General
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Perhaps I didn't make myself clear: futa isn't against the rules, so there's really no reason for you to reject it beyond your own personal preferences.
homeless_homo said:
Is that a sentence fragment I see?
FeKa said:
He accidentally the whole sentence.
Fuck off. I'm dyslexic; I can't help it if I make the occasional spelling mistake.
Semicolon said: Still, you're rejecting based on your own personal preference, rather than the guidelines set up by the site admin.
But the personal discretion of the ~30 admins, mods and janitors is precisely the guideline that we're supposed to follow! That is exactly how the mod queue is intended to work. In other words, you're exactly wrong.
Note the huge difference between "no janitor/mod/admin approved it" and "one janitor/mod/admin unilaterally deleted it". Fundamentally important, here.
ohitsbrian said: And I'm not sure why this was deleted.. reason was for Nude Filter, I don't see any filters..?
When there is a clothed parent, an unsourced nude child post with questionable looking naughty bits is very likely a nude filter. If you can point to some official website or cg pack or something else with that image and prove it's not a third party edit, that's another matter. But when the situation is unfavorable like this, the burden of proof is on the uploader.
Semicolon said:
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear: futa isn't against the rules, so there's really no reason for you to reject it beyond your own personal preferences.
Of course, but please think again what exactly your request is. You're asking me (amongst others) to reconsider approving a picture. *Of course* it's about my (and 30 other approvers') personal preference, that's the whole point of selecting us to do the moderation. And this picture happens to fall onto my "never approve" list, so I deny your request. Simple as that, and it's really the end of the story for me. I happened to be so nice as to communicate my reasons, but that puts no extra obligations on my part.
Btw, this discussion is a very good argument as to why adding mod feedback to rejected post is just asking for trouble. It's bound to generate useless drama. If people want to hear mods' opinion, they can very well ask for it.
Semicolon said:
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear: futa isn't against the rules, so there's really no reason for you to reject it beyond your own personal preferences.
I think you're missing the point here.
There are 30+ people with the power to approve uploads to Danbooru.
There is a 3-day period, during which most of those people will have seen any given upload several times.
If none of those 30+ people see the pic and think, "Yeah, okay, that's good enough for Danbooru," then it's most likely not good enough for Danbooru.
Yes, it's subjective. That's the whole point. Art is subjective. There's a few guidelines we tend to work by, but overall it's based on the subjective opinions of several experienced mods and janitors. Even if something's not "against the rules," that does not in any way guarantee its acceptance.
Be glad that there's even an appeal process.
post #448221
post #448290
Back on topic; please reconsider these.
U-Jack said: post #448221
I wavered something fierce over the first one when I saw it in the queue. Does the simplicity count against it or for it? That's always such a double edged sword. I wasn't sure enough to go ahead and approve it.
What do other mods think?
jxh2154 said:
I wavered something fierce over the first one when I saw it in the queue. Does the simplicity count against it or for it? That's always such a double edged sword. I wasn't sure enough to go ahead and approve it.What do other mods think?
Looks fine to me. I don't see why it shouldn't be approved; but that second one? No no no no.
darkova said:
The images under the kasutaso tag should be appealed I doubt they were grotesque (unimaginnably large breasts)
葉月 said:
Come back when you see a real person with tits anywhere near that big. Also, ever heard of spelling?
Go to google image search and turn off search safety and type "miosotis".
WARNING: You may be struck blind. But 葉月 did ask for a reference.
葉月 said:
Come back when you see a real person with tits anywhere near that big. Also, ever heard of spelling?
Appealing post #448681
I believe it's of comparable quality to post #446759
Appealing post #445666