When this post is 1 hour old, Danbooru will go down for maintenance. The site will be down for approximately 2 hours.
This is for a scheduled upgrade of the database server. The database server is being upgraded to a new machine, and also the database software is being upgraded from PostgreSQL version 10.17 to version 14.0.
For the curious, these are the specs of the old and new database servers:
Old server
- Intel Xeon E5-1650 v4 (6 cores @ 3.60GHz base, 4.00GHz max)
- 64GB ECC DDR4 2400Mhz
- 2x450GB NVMe drives (Intel DC P3520)
New server
- 2x Intel Xeon Gold 6226R (16 cores @ 2.90GHz base, 3.90GHz max) (this is 2 CPUs total, so 32 cores total)
- 192GB ECC DDR4 2933Mhz
- 2x1.92TB NVMe drives (Samsung PM983)
- 2x480GB SSD drives (Kingston DC500M)
You can check Twitter or Discord for updates while the site is down.