
Tag script request:

Posted under General

Now that the tag scripts are up and running, they're definitely nice and much appreciated.

One small request though, can we get a "clear all scripts" option like we had for add/remove? I'm starting to get a long list and the idea of cleaning them all out individually isn't fun. Is this feasible or desirable to anyone else? Thanks.

Updated by albert

Well, depends, I can imagine some posters do keep a set of scripts they use repeatedly. So they wouldn't want to have to delete all their scripts to get rid of a few. I don't keep any scripts long-term though, I just made them as I need them, but then don't remember to delete them. So if you can add "delete all scripts" in addition to deleting just a single script, that'd be cool. All I personally request is the "delete all" though.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but *making* tag scripts is working, but when I apply them to an image no tags change. This is both adding tags and removing tags (and mixtures of both). Anyone else getting this?

Honestly, the way you had it before the most recent change was a way I got really used to. I worried at first because it looked like deleting them would be terribly tedious, but I found out that if you name a script the same as an exist script, it overwrites it.

So all my scripts became just a tap of the spacebar, and that was that. Never really had to deal with more than one at a time, unless I wanted to.

I haven't really used them for a while, but them I've not been as active here of late. They are useful for fixing ambiguous tags, but there doesn't appear to be a way to list ambiguous tags anymore.

I recently retagged all the Aria pics (well the ones that showed under the tag with 500+), and they would have been a huge help there.

What I wound up doing was just searching on the main series tag, then minusing out the character I wanted to fix, then going in edit post mode and copy/pasting in the char's tag for each image she was in but wasn't tagged for. Not terrible, but having to simply click the thumbnails would have been easier.

This also seems to be working for me as well. At first I had to do that "pick edit tag script, hit refresh" thing before the box would come up (something I reported back when scripts were similar to this), but trying it a few more times it wasn't an issue so I think it's ok.